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Jude's POV:

They have waited a week or so before making their next move, which gave him enough time to settle and plan everything ahead. 

For their next target, they were forced to go back to Seth's old middle school, which would've been all fine and dandy for Jude, but he could tell the boy wasn't ready, despite him stating he was. 

But when did Seth ever confess, his emotional vulnerability? 


Since it was a waste to try and stop him, Jude found a hotel and obliged with his impatient match, trying to be there for him as much as it was possible. His nightmares had returned, worse, and without Lucifer this time, though the boy wasn't willing to speak of what he had seen. 

After Jude found him crying one night, Seth threw a vase at him, and two books, while hysterically shouting at him to leave, so he decided that he'll leave the matter alone for now, despite having a hard time enduring that his lover had to suffer alone, because of his damn stupid pride. He also noticed small changes in Seth's demeanour, but mostly minor things. He was more protective and easier to anger, more on edge to put it that way. 

They rented a car and drove down to Seth's hometown, and as time passed by, it became clearer and clearer for the demon, what kind of life the boy led before going to college. The colours of the houses slowly all faded to a flat, boring grey, and the smaller and smaller gardens began resembling a landfill much more, than an actual front-lawn. 

And these were the more put-together houses. 

The boy was silent the entire way there, fidgeting with his cane ever so often while he sat in the car, staring blankly at the by-passing landscapes, but Jude noticed the small glances he got from his match.

Seth was obviously eager and worried to see his reaction to his hometown, and it made him wonder, what did he think will happen? 

There was nothing here to be ashamed of, but Jude didn't play to say that out loud, at least not like that, especially because he wasn't sure he'd be right. After all, he wasn't ashamed of most anything, not murder, or anything else that he was supposed to be guilty for, so maybe he is not the right one to decide this.

They arrived at the, not luxurious by any means, but decent hotel, and carried their stuff up, settling in. 

"I've never been in here" the boy broke the silence, when they entered the average room, with a queen-sized bed and a few cabinets here and there to fake comfort. 

Jude watched carefully as the other paced around, borderline admiring his soon-to-be-pet. Those forever-messy brown locks, and soft pale skin... Seth had a look that suggested at all times that he was ill, but he somehow made it attractive, and it was well beyond Jude to understand how. His figure somewhere between thin and athletic, yet his shirt always outlined the muscles he had deliciously. Delicacy in his face, cut-throat madness in his eyes, a sharp contrast that made him all the more beautiful, and he could feel the demon side of him growl with impatient hunger when thinking about all the ways he'll make Seth his, and his only. He knew all the wrongs the boy did and all the terrible things he wanted to do, and he wanted to own it all and help him during every sin he plans to commit. All his twistedness, and all his chaos.

It was evident, nothing else would satisfy him, anyhow. 

"It seems a little silly to rent a room in your own hometown, I suppose that's why" he retorted after all, so Seth wouldn't turn around and catch his darkening gaze that he soon began controlling, so it didn't resemble all the urges that ate him from the inside. 

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