Chapter 2

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Willy Wonka's POV

"I think it was..." I start to stare off and remember. "Candy always made people...happy. The tastes were extraordinary too. And the things people could make out of it!! I think the need creativity drew me to it." I smile at her. I like the way her eyes sparkle with curiosity as I spoke. Her eyes glitter with some emotion I had no way of explaining the way they look. It was like a E/C pool of melted candy.

She looks very pretty, with rosy cheeks on her S/C skin, which looks paler because of the cold air nipping small bites against her skin. "Mr. Wonka you'r-" I interrupt before she can say anything else. "Please call me Willy, I don't mind." She nods and smiles, I love that smile. I barely even know her, but I can say I love that damn smile. "Willy, you're staring. That's all I was going to say." "Oh sorry," I say.

Your POV

I watch him as we talk, his pearly smile, his pale face slowly filling up with pride every so often, and his chocolate eyes. He is so charming. He is a little quirky at times, but other than that he's really sweet. "OOH! Y/N AND MR. WONKA SITTING IN A TREE! K I S S I N G! FIRS-" "OH SHUT IT WILL YOU!" I interrupt my sister as I feel a soft pink sprinkle across my cheeks. Charlie giggles as my sister rolls her eyes and walks away. Willy laughs as well.

He then stands up, and extends his cane for me to hold onto it. I grab it and pull myself up. We stand next to each other for a while, just looking at each other in a comfortable silence. I think it's silent though. Maybe I am just tuning everything out, then I hear the waterfall hitting the chocolate. Willy looks away and starts to walk off.

"Come, come Y/N. We have much to see. We have a boat ride to catch. Charlie! Clara! You two come along as well." He explains, but doesn't look back. I follow the strange, unusual man. We reach a part of the room, where the grass weaves itself into a dock. There a bright pink seahorse boat comes along. There were many little men rowing as well. They all look at Willy, then me. They giggle. I tug on Willy's coat sleeve softly. He turns to look down at me. "What's so funny to them?" I ask. "I have no clue. It might be those goddamn coca beans though. They love that stuff! Fun fact: Chocolate gives off the feeling of being in love! Interesting isn't it?" I nod and smile at him. He turns around in a swift movement and walks onto his boat. "Come onto my boat everyone. There is plenty of room." We walk onto the boat. I start to take a seat in the back, but Willy grabs my wrist and sits me next to him. "Sorry, thought the two loves birds should sit together in the back," he says, pointing at Charlie and Clara. I smile at the young love and turn to stare ahead of us.

The boat starts to leave dock finally. The Oompa Loompas hit a few drums, making an incredible eerie ominous feel to the ride. It is pretty calming to say the least. At least it was, the boat suddenly speeds up. All I see it chocolate colored walls and the chocolate river swimming past us. We fall down a hole. I scream and hug Willy. He chuckles. "WHY AREN'T THERE SEATBELTS OR OR A WARNING SIGN!?" I yell. "Because everything and everyone's going to be fine." Willy whispers loud enough for me to hear. He strokes my head to calm me down. I smile and go a light shade of pink. I bury my head inside his coat, acting as if I was still scared of the boat ride's speed. Then the boat is suddenly still. I let go of Willy and look around. There were many rooms around us. One said 'Coffee Cream', another 'Hair Cream', and then 'Whipped Cream'. I laugh at that one. "Brilliant," I let out as I watch a cow extended over a container being whipped with whips. "Well everyone knows whipped cream isn't whipped cream unless it's been whipped with actual whips," he tells me. We soon come to a stop, "The Invention Room!! Come on you two are going to love this place!" Charlie says. Willy smiles at me, "It's quite an incredible room." We all stand up and begin to walk off. Willy helped me out and Charlie with my sister.

We walk inside the room, my mouth gaps open. "Woah..." I breath between wonderful visions of machinery and lights.

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