Chapter 14

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Willy's POV

Charlie continues walking over, as I await the questioning look. He just take list from me and scans it and the basket. I blink a few times to see if he wasn't questioning it. "So all we need is cabbage," Charlie says. I nod with a skeptic look. He takes the cart and looks at my expression. "What? You think after all these years I'm going to ask why you're talking to a can of soup?" He chuckles as I nod again.

We walk to the vegetable aisle. I look around, staring at every little thing. I notice colors and shapes, people's expressions. Any detail I take note of for candy usage in the future. There she is, Y/N. I may have known she had to go to the store. I may have said yes to going to the store with Charlie because I knew she was going to be there. Don't question it!

Your POV

Clara tugs on my sleeve and I look up from my list. I meet eyes with Willy. I look confused, I mouth the words, 'What are you doing here?' He nods to Charlie who has his nose in a list, checking every little written object. I look over at Willy again. Now he's closer, he picks me up by the waist. "Willy, what the hell are you doing?" He winks and spins me around, giggling. He puts me down, yet not letting go of my waist. "Hi," he says grinning like an idiot. Oh, I bet I'm grinning the same way. "Hi," I say back. Charlie looks up and smirks at us. Clara walks over to him, so they start talking. "Have you asked Clara my proposition yet?" I shake my head no. He sighs an overdramatic sigh. "Guess I'll have to ask." I shake my head no again.

"Clara," I call her over. She walks over, smiling at our position. He has his arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer every second. "Willy here asked me earlier if we wanted to go live with him and Charlie's family at his factory. Would you like that?" Her face glows, she nods and yells, "YES!" I giggle and lay my head against Willy's chest. I let my head rise with his breaths. I forget where we are, I forget about how people are probably staring at my sister yelling, but I don't forget who I'm with. I could never forget him, never.

"Mr. Wonka, we have everything, so we best be heading home," I hear Charlie's small, timid voice say. Willy sighs. "I'll see you again, sometime, my Fun Sized Chocolate bar." I smile at the nicknames he has given me. He lets go and waves me bye as he walks with Charlie to the checkout. Clara playfully pokes at my arm with her shoulder. I ignore her little sign as I continue on my way throughout the store.


As I lay at the couch listening to music Clara moves her head above mine. I look up at here (like usual, wish I wasn't short..Change that will you?) "Wat?" I groan. "Freaking go see your boyfriend!" She yells so I can hear through my headphones. I blush and stammer our, "H-he's no my boyfriend...we j-jjust hap-ppen to start g-going out.." Clara grabs hold of a strap of my black and starry overall strap. "NUUUUU," I screech as she drags me to the door. "IT'S COLD OUT THERE!" "THAT'S THE POINT! EITHER RUN TO THE FACTORY OR STAY COLD!" (Keep it cold!! Hi Author-Chan here, for those who don't know what I just referenced to, there's this rap about ice cream that kids at my school made. It's called Keep It Cold by Tribe. It's amazing. Sorry back to the story!)

I fly through the air like a airplane, landing face first in a fresh pile of snow. I hear the door slam. I get up, shivering. I walk to our door and knock. "Yes?" Clara asks, in her most innocent sounding voice. "LET ME IN YOU-"

Clara's POV

'Man does my sister have some colorful vocabulary...' I think as she continues to yell. "GO TO YOUR BOYFRIEND AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" I scream back. I hear her groaning and mumbling something loud enough to go through the door on purpose. I look through the peep hole and see her turn to walk away. Then she turns back around to face the door, "ONE LAST THING! REMEMBER TO PACK! WE HAVE A WEEK TILL WE MOVE IN WITH THEM!" Then she left. I giggle at her flustered face that was now burned into my memory.

Alright so, I was gone for two weeks. I had most of this written, but had trouble getting the rest so that it wasn't like only 200 words, then as I'm trying to sleep it hits me like a freight train. Like BAM! And man did my head hurt with all the ideas piling into my brain. Anyways hope you enjoyed. This week is my spring break so hopefully I'll update more. LOVE Y'ALL! ALSO CELEBRATE WITH ME THE 1K READS LIKE HOW!?!

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