Chapter 22

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Small A/N
Every chapter will now have a song at the top, just because I love music and wanna recommend songs to you guys. Also here's basically my average Saturday morning.

Your POV

I wake up. I start stretching my arms and yawn. I get out and walk downstairs, sadly due to the fact these pajama pants are men's large (so they're baggy) I slip on them and fall. "Ow," I say. Then a shuffling noise comes from upstairs. At the edge of the stairs I see a very sleepy looking Clara staring at me. "You okay?" She asks as she wipes the sleep from her eyes. "Yuppers! Go back to sleep you look super tired, alright?" She nods and walks back to her bedroom.

I get up from the floor, dusting off any pollen, dust, or hair off of my pajamas. My head aches slightly, I grip at the back of my it. My fingers tangle into the back of my already knotted hair. I wince as I touch it. "Damn it, a bruise," I say, whispering so Clara doesn't wake up again. I go to the kitchen. I open the white cabinet, and standing on my tippy toes, put my hand in. I feel around while I search for a mug. Finally grasping one I pull it from it's cupboard home.

I grab an Mandarin Orange Spice tea bag and some lemon. I cut the lemon up as the water boils for the tea. I sit on the sofa. I grab the tv remote, searching for something to watch. I finally land on a rerun of nostalgic cartoons from the 90s. The one playing is Courage The Cowardly Dog. "This show had always scared me as a kid, especially that one guy...Ed was it?" I say to myself. I shake my head and sigh.

The tea kettle begins to sing a sweet little whistle. I get up and grab the top, not thinking. I burn my hand, whispering ow over and over. I stick it under cold water from the tap. "Today is not my day." I dry my hand off, careful of the burn. I grab a stove mitten and pour the water into my mug. I set it down and take off my mitten. I grab four ice cubes from the freezer and drop them into the mug.

I walk back to the couch to watch some more old cartoons. I sip my tea as Rug Rats begins to play. The smell from the tea always gave me a Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds vide. The Mandarin trees and Marmalade skies were basically this tea. I had always wished to see the place that inspired that song. 'I should sing that at the cafe!'

After a few more episodes of stupid cartoons, Clara comes downstairs. She waves at me with a soft, tired smile. She went and made herself a tea before coming and sitting with me on the couch. "What're we watching?" She asks. "Nostalgic cartoons," I respond. "Nice!"

After three episodes of randomized cartoons, I get up. I walk into the kitchen, "What do you want for bre-" I get cut off by Clara literally screeching, "WAFFLES!!!" I laugh at her before grabbing waffle mix. I begin making the batter. After dropping an egg on my foot, I hear ding from my phone. I look to see what it was. Willy. "Hey, Charlie here is wondering if he and Clara can meet up. Are you okay with that princess?" I gush at the nickname before typing a simple "Yuppers!".

I've collected a enough waffles for us. I place them on two plates and grabbing syrup. I place them on the table. "It's ready!" I shout. I hear a thump of feet after saying that. Then I see Clara's figure run to the table. As soon as she put her fork into the steaming waffle, a knock came from the door. I go to open it, in waffle mix covered pajamas. There stood Willy and Charlie. "Oh, Hi." "Hello dearie."

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