Chapter 17

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Your POV

I awake with my hand being held by someone else from the floor. I look down, smelling the strong, savory scent of chocolate. I smile at Willy on the floor. I squeeze his hand in a comforting method. Sadly he wakes up because of it, ruining my amazing view. I sigh in disappointment. I meet his chocolate eyes as they flutter open. "Hey Princess," he says. My nose scrunches in an embarrassing blush. Chad had also called me Princess.

"Hello my dear chocolatier!" I say back. He laughs and gets on his knees so we're face to face. 'Would now be the perfect moment?' I think as I look onto his chapped lips. I lean forward without thinking. I place my mouth onto his. He's shocked at first, but falls into it with a smile. We move in sync. He follows me, and I follow him. A thousand thoughts fly through my head. My heart strings pluck a melody his were finishing. I pull away and stare at him. He's red, I can only assume I am the same. I brush my fingers with my lips. "Is this a dream?" I ask. He laughs, "I hope not. That was, that was incredible." "I really hope that Green Day song isn't coming true right now. Well that one part of Fell For You where it's saying 'I had a dream where I kissed your lips, and it felt so true. I woke up a nervous wreak and I fell for you!'." I tell him, giggling myself. I stare at the bed and hum.

"Even if it is all a dream, I'm glad it happened." I look at him. His eyes are fixed onto mine. They look innocent and true. They look so in love, I could feel mine do the same. I bite my lip as a nervous habit. I've had forever, no matter how much I've grown in confidence I always bite my lip and chew the skin off sometimes. He stands up and walks towards a closet. "So, dear, what shall we do today? I already cleared my schedule. Oh, wait you have work don't you? Such a shame." I giggle as he pouts. "Well you can always come watch me. I mean only if you want of course," I say. I hope Chad and Alyssa aren't there..

"Oh, I need to get clothes from my house," I get up from the bed as walk towards the door. I feel arms wrap around me. "Willy? What are you doing?" "Never letting you leave!" He picks me up, I squirm around. "LEMME GOOOOO!" I shout. "NEVER!" I groan at him. He spins me around and places me in front of him. I spin to face him. "Willy, I have to go get ready for work." He puts his pout on again. "Fineeeeeeeeee," he says, then kissing my forehead.

We walk out of the factory to go to my house. As we approach it I see Clara leaving the house. "Hey, Clara, why are you going to school a little later than usual? I thought you loved being there early so you could talk to your friends." She fiddles with her hair, "Yeah, just woke up late is all. Anyways I gotta jet! See you later sis, see you later Mr. Wonka!" She waves with a smile and hurried down to school.

"That seemed sketchy," I say. I ignore it and unlock the house. I walk in with Willy close behind me. There's a town of boxes inside. I maneuver around the boxes to my room. I no longer hear footsteps behind me so I assume Willy stays in the other room. I change into a black and white striped sweater with jeans. I put on platform boots as well. I rejoin Willy in the living room, I picked up my ukulele and grabbed his hand. I walk out of the house.

As we reach the cafe I notice Chad. "Shit..." I whisper.

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