REAL Chapter 8

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Your POV

I walk down to the cafe, my blue jacket is keeping me warm thankfully. The wind causes my face turn pale and pink. I stop in the middle of the street, I just stand there. I look around at the beautiful city tucked in a white blanket around me. I take in a deep, musty scented breath. I look behind me, I saw a certain pale figure. Well I thought I had, but as soon as I blinked he was gone. 'Stupid imagination! He would never date me.. he probably doesn't like me like that anyways. Well that's fine! I don't like him that way either!' I begin walking to the cafe once more, frowning. The wind blows and a paper hits my face. A flier, it says 'Come To The Street Festival!'

It's the best festival in London! The streets will be filled with street food carts and merchants. Maybe me and Willy could go together... 'NO! NO! THAT'S STUPID! HE'D NEVER DO IT! I DON'T EVEN LIKE HIM!' I walk into a wall and fall to the floor. "Guess I'm at work." I giggle and walk into the cafe and clock in. I walk to the stage and begin singing.

Willy's POV

I wake up and check on my factory. I still need a reason for Y/N to come back, for me and her to be together, not in a dating way, but in the same room, next to each other. Maybe one day in a dating no she wouldn't like that. I need to see her beautiful E/C eyes though. I need to see her smile against her S/C skin. I need to hear her adorable giggle, to feel her hand intertwined with mine. To hear her voice singing, to hear her calling for me. I stop walking and stand in the middle of the hallway to smile at nothing, but she's really the biggest something in my life! I stay there, remembering the very few times we were together.

Then I feel a tugging at my sleeve. I think of when she had tugged at my sleeve. I look down and instead of the beautiful girl I awaited, it was an Oompa Loompa. I crouch down and he hands me a flier. I take and look at it. I've seen this for the past few years. Every year the street festival would occur and I would miss it. All those people. 'This year shall be different,' I think. 'This year I'll ask Y/N. She'd love to go!' I smile and thank the Oompa Loompa. I walk down the hall and go into a room.

Your POV

I finish my final song and leave the cafe. I decide to walk to the school and grab Clara. We have a lot to do. We've got to work on our cart for the festival, get some dresses for it, and get supplies. I walk into the school, waiting for my sister. As I stand there I see Charlie come out of the hall with Clara. They were talking. I wave over at them, but they don't see, 'Dang, can't you just look my way?' They wave each other good bye and go separate ways. Then Clara sees me, her face lights up.

"Y/N!!!" She screams. She then hugs me with a force so hard I fall to the floor. I laugh and so does she as we lay on the wooden floor beneath us. She gets off and we stand up to walk out of the school. "So, why'd you come pick me up today?" Clara asks. I throw the paper at her face like it had done to me. She looks down at it and smiles. "Are we doing the baked good cart like always!?" "Of course! This year, I'm going to have fun. This year I'm going to be a happy Y/N. I'm not going to do the competition, but just go for fun," I tell her. She nods at my words grasping the thought of me not competing in the cart competition. "So we need to head to the thrift store, the actual store, and a depot of some sorts for our cart." She nods again.

We reach a small thrift store and walk inside. There were bright colors everywhere. There are dresses lined against a wall, they're put with their cultures. The beautiful Mexican dresses with their colors and embroidered glow. Then Indian dresses, the slightly revealing dresses with gold string throughout the fabric. It works it's way in beautiful patterns. African dresses with their beautiful patterns and fun, deep colors. There are lovely flowered kimonos.

There are normal dresses too. I pick one completely white. The right corner has embroidered flowers growing to the sleeves which fall over my hands. I also grab some white converse and slip them on. I check myself in the mirror. "I look beautiful..." I whisper to my reflection. My sister, Clara, comes from behind me in a royal blue dress that forms a lighter blue as it goes down. "You sure do. Now let's check out and get supplies!" We change back to our clothes and check out. We walk about searching for small things to use at good prices.


We reach out house with arm fulls of things to use. The festival is in two days, I'll have to prepare recipes and everything. Clara goes to the garage to begin working on the cart. I place an apron around my waist and begin pulling out notebooks of mine and homemade cookbooks. I flip throughout the pages of all of them. I stare the pages with the recipes I'll use and begin cooking now. I pull flour from the cupboard, but a knocking is then heard throughout the house. It echoes like a lonely man in search of someone who would listen. I follow the lonely sound to the door and open it. There he was, that beautiful pale man. "Willy Wonka.." I mumble as he smiles down at me.

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