Chapter 10

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Willy's POV

As I stare into her large, curiosity shining E/C orbs of life I realize, we've gotten lost in each other. I hadn't ever gotten given that color much thought. Sure, there was a few million colors of it in candies, but now I've realized how beautiful it was. How every time I stare at those eyes, their colors pops out and shows me how beautiful it can be. "Would you like to go to the st-Street festival with me?" She continues staring into my eyes. It causes me to bring my shoulders up in a defense. She blinks once, then twice, which then turns into about ten blinks. "Oh sorry, I started staring off into space.."

Her normal bright, bubbly aura went POP! It disappears, it dissolves like hot chocolate in front of my eyes. I frown too, she quickly takes note of this and places a fake smile. It makes my frown deeper and more sorrowful. I take my hand in one risky and hesitant movement begin placing towards her face. I pull it back with my other arm and hold it down. I stare at my arms and making sure they are being held down and stay down. 'No, that'd be too weird. You're probably weird enough around her.' Yet something catches me by surprise, it was her voice.

"Please," it was a begging. I loosen my grip on my arm as I look up to see her soft face. Her eyes lines with glittery tears. They look like if they fell, they'd turn to ice falling down her eyes. My hands and brain makes a move of its own. My arm reaches out, no hesitation this time, no more doubting itself. It puts it on my her cheek. A single tear falls and I remove it quickly. Her body shivers in this cold, winter weather. It was February, but it was still freezing. She buries closer into my hand. I move my hand down to her neck and pull her closer, to where we're only inches apart.

Our body heat still gives off heat to each other. We warm each other just by standing there. I pull my hand to her face again, but retreat and leave it at my side. Her eyes no longer glitter with sadness, but bounce with joy. Suddenly she walks backwards, making our bodies farther away. I wish to be closer, but respect her. I stand there smiling down at my fun-sized Y/N. 'No, no. Just Fun-sized Y/N. She's not mine, not yet. And probably never..'

Your POV

I step back, I know what my brain wants, what my heart wants, but I can't answer to their wants. I must step away, I must say no to this. I...have to.

I see confusion flood his face. "What did you come over?" I ask. He gaps and tries to remember. He looks up to the sky with his eyebrows connecting together. He snaps and swings his arm across his body, "I REMEMBER! I c-can, no not can, came. Sorry. I came to see if you'd like to go to the fe-festival with me." His words echo throughout my brain, it is just like my day dream. "Yes, yes, a hundred times yes! I want to more than anything in the world!!!" Only I didn't really say that. "I would love go with you, Willy." He gleams and begins to walk away. "Bye dear Y/N! See you soon," soon he's left my sight. Soon that beautiful man was gone. Soon I was all alone in the cold winter air, standing on my porch.

I walk inside with a stupidly goofy smile. I bake again until 10. At that time I go to bed. Only to dream of Willy again.

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