Chapter 6

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Your POV

There is that girl...I hate her, she hates me. We have a hate hate relationship. Well it could be a love hate relationship because we both hate each other, but we love, well I used to love, the same thing.

"Alyssa," I say, glaring. She smiles and in her high, squeaky, Brooklyn voice says, "You were so good! I could do better though, no offense." "None taken, so why are you here?" I ask looking behind her and see Chad. "Chad decided to take me here so we could get some coffee and listen to whoever was singin'." I nod and look at Chad. All he does is give a small smirk. Willy puts a hand on my shoulder, "Who are they?" He asks.

"Oh right. Willy this is Chad, my ex..and this is his girlfriend. So how have you two been?" I ask. Chad talks in his deep voice, "Great I just got my Doctor's degree. I had perfect grades in all my classes." I raise an eyebrow, "Did you cheat at that too?" He goes red and glares at me. "Cheat?" Willy asks. I nod. "Well I'll see you later, Y/N," Willy says and begins walking away. I turn to watch him leave my sight, his pale skin and dark clothes escaping my vision. My eyes long to look upon his face longer, but I ignore their longing, my brain's command to go to him.

"See you later.." I whisper even though he's already gone. "So you've moved on?" Chad asks motioning to Willy. Pink sprinkles spread across my face. "We're not dating!" I turn to stare at Chad, his black eyes like shining beads staring right back at me. I scrunch my nose in anger and close my eyes tightly together. "We're just friends!" I begin to storm off as Alyssa begins laughing her mouse-like laugh. I get back on stage and sing once more.


I walk out of the cafe and return to my house. I walk in and lay on the couch. 'Wow, today's been eventful. Willy came and watched me sing, I saw Alyssa and Chad, and now I am going back to the factory and finishing our tour.' I continue thinking about today, but am interrupted by my sister walking in with Charlie.

"Sis we're gonna go to the chocolate factory today for the rest of the tour, right?" She asks. "Yup! Willy was asking me about it today." "You talked to Mr. Wonka today? Did you go over and talk to him cause you like him!?" Clara gasps and jumps up and down. "MY SHIP!" I exhale and laugh slightly. "No, he went to the corner store to buy some waters, that's all. Now," I grab my jacket and put it on, "shall we be heading out?" Clara nods and so does Charlie.

We all walk down to Willy's factory, talking about our days. We soon arrive at the gates, they flung open and we walk in. He gates slam shut behind us. I jump slightly at the loud noise. We continue our way to the doors of the factory, which open like they did when we first ever came. Willy is standing at doors awaiting us. He gives a pearly smile at us, but it looks like it's aimed directly at me. It causes my lips to turn upward in a smile too. "Come along, we have much to see!" Willy exclaims and points his finger to the sky. He then puts his gloved hands in a fist and pulls his arm down slowly. He giggles and we follow. 'Wonder what amazing things we'll see today.'

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