Chapter 19

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There is a Trigger Warning: rape, panic attacks(sorta) (Thank you for telling/reminding me to put one in fren)

Your POV

"At school, a boy followed me into the bathroom and cornered me. He forced himself upon me, not letting me kick him or anything. I tried to yell for help, but he bagged me, I-I was so scared, Y/N...I was so scared," Clara starts to let tears fall. I remove them and pull her closer to me. "Y/N, he he raped me...I tried to run away, I tried to knock him off, but he pinned me every time." I want to kill whoever made my sister feel this bad. "Who?" I ask. I shouldn't have asked that, it only made more tears fall. "He said if I told y-you or or anyone, he would do it again, a-and maybe bring his friends. He's done it a few times, but I-I'm breaking now. I-I h-had to tell you."

I start steaming with anger. "Does Charlie Know?" Willy asks. She shook her head no. "I could never tell him, he'd immediately go after him. H-he'd get so hurt," she says. "Can you tell me when it happened?" I ask. She nods, "The latest was yesterday, but the first time was m-maybe a month ago." I pull Clara closer (if possible), squeezing her in a comforting way. I look over at Willy, he too is angry. His jaw is clenched tight, and his eyes held an emotion I never thought I'd see in them, it's kinda hot though. I get up and help Clara up, "First we're taking you to the school. I'm gonna kill-I mean, I'm gonna have a stern talking to with him. I can't even say that, I'm gonna kill him. After that we're taking you to the doctor's and rape help center. Is that alright?" I ask. "I'm going to help murder him," Willy says as Clara nods. "May I know his name?" She seems hesitant, and I get it, but he needs to be punished for what he did. People aren't just sex toys for your entertainment. "Finn, Finn Harthbor."

I grab Clara's hand and then grab Willy's. We walk down the road to the school. As we meet the gate I let go of their hands. I push the gate open, stomping in through the school doors. I storm down the hall, not caring about the teenagers staring at me. I finally find Clara's home room. The time is 10, their first class should be almost done. I put my hand on the handle, but Clara shakes her head no. She points to different classroom. I walk over there and open the door. I'm met with about twenty kids staring at me.

"Um, hello miss?" The teacher said. The bored said Mr. Blair. "Hello sir, I'm sorry to interrupt, but I need Finn Harthbor. Now please." The teacher raises an eyebrow at me. "May I ask why?" "I need to have a few words with him." A boy in the back of the classroom stood up. He had black hair that fell into his eyes. He pushes it back, then sticks his hands in his hoodie pocket. "You called for me," he said. "Yes please join me in the hall, Finn." He follows me out. "Why am I out here?" He asks as I close the classroom door. I grab his ear and pull him down the hall to dead end.

"YOU JERK!" I shout. "You hurt my sister, how dare you." He looks around me and at Clara, who's with Willy. "You bitch. I knew you'd tell." I slap him across the face. "Don't. Call. My. Sister. A. Bitch. Asshole." He glares at me. "I do what I want. I don't need some girl who probably killed her parents to tell me not to do anything!" I lost it when he accused me of killing my parents. My fist was formed. I bring it up, but then I feel Willy's hand on my shoulder, "Don't, let's just report him." I nod. Grabbing Finn's ear again and we walk to the office. I throw the door open, causing a slight panic. I drag Finn to the office lady.

"I need the principal," I say through my teeth, which were of together in anguish. The lady nods and opens a small door to the principal office. We walk through. A man sits there at a desk which had two piles of paper, a small posted note stack, a pencil cup, and a desk thing with his name on it Alex Smis. 'Lots of stuff to throw or push off the desk if I must..' I think. Mr. Smis stands up as he see us. "Is there a problem?" I nod and throw Finn inside. "He raped my sister." I say. "I DIDN'T DO SHIT!" He yells. "Mr. Harthbor! We do not us that language," Mr. Smis says. I scoff, "That's all you're going to say about that?!" I shout. I sit at across from him at the desk.

"My sister, Clara, told me that he had raped her, and my sister won't lie about this. Please sir, believe us," I say with pleading eyes. He looks back to Clara, whose face is pink and her eyes are red and puffy. "Ms. L/N, please tell me what happened, if you can." Clara nods at him. "I walked out of class and went to the bathroom, Finn followed me in. He locked the bathroom door and cornered me," she continues with her story, tears falling. Mr. Smis nods to her story. After she finishes he asks for the date. "I think it was the 16 of January." Mr. Smis nods and pulls up security footage of the hall in front of the bathroom.

There Finn is, following Clara to the bathroom. Mr. Smis looks over at Finn. "I-I went to the wrong bathroom! I forgot to go to the one next to it. I promise, I'd never rape anyone!" He says with an innocent look, that looked fake. "Well it's happened a few times. I-I have the date all written down in my phone," Clara says and pulls up a list of dates. It had about ten or so dates on it. Mr. Smis checks each date and it all checked out.

"Ms. Y/N, Ms. L/N, and whoever you are sir, please leave me and Mr. Harthbor alone." We walk out. I occasionally hear shouts from Finn, but no shouts from Mr. Smis. I hug Clara. "You're a good girl, Clara. You know that right?" She nods in the hug. "I don't want you to think you did anything to deserve that, or that you asked for it." We continue to hug for a few more minutes when Willy join the hug.

After a few minutes a couple came in. I'm guessing they're Finn's parents. They rush into the office. They leave the door open, and I hear Mr. Smis call for us to come in. We walk in to see his parents looking shocked and angry. "I wish to tell you that your son has done something terribly wrong." They both look at Finn in unison. "He couldn't have done anything wrong! He's a simple child, and he's a gentleman," his mother says, well one of them. "Martha, hear what the man has to say," the other one says. "I'm afraid he has raped one of our other students. Ms. Clara will you please come over and tell them? You don't have to if you cannot." Clara walks over to the shocked mothers. She tells them everything.

They look at Finn. "Why? That's all I have to ask," Martha asks. "Oh Jenny, where did we go wrong!?" She asks the other one as a tear escapes. I walk over to the mothers. "Ma'am you did nothing wrong. You both did the best to raise your son, something just happened where he thought that it was alright. It wasn't your faults. And don't blame the phone and inter or news. Nothing like that. It wasn't your faults and it certainly wasn't the world's. It was his. So please don't beat yourself over it, okay?" They both nod. "Thank you," the one named Jenny says. I nod back.

Jenny looks at Clara with an apologetic look. "Please forgive us, we are so sorry for what you had to go through, if we had know we would've stopped him. We're sorry for everything. Finneas Harthbor say you're sorry this minute!" I shake my head, "Finn, don't unless you really mean it." I say as Finn rolls his eyes. "I'm sorry to interrupt everything, but I'm going to have to expel your son. This will also effect his whole life. They both nod, "Whatever needs to happen will."

They leave with their son. We walk out of the school with Clara. She's been excused from school and school work for a week to get everything together and for her mental health. "Shit, I forgot to tell my boss I had to go to your school. I'm so in trouble!" I say, earning a chuckle from Willy and a giggle from Clara

Holy...1528 words...

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