Chapter 23

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Your POV

"Come on in!" I say, moving from the door to let them in. Charlie enters and immediately goes to Clara. I look over at Willy who hadn't moved yet. He was just standing there with an adorable smile, staring at me. "What?" I ask him. He shakes his head out of his trance. "Oh sorry, just looking at how beautiful you are." I blush and then laugh. "You're so clichè and sappy!" He gives a cheeky grin. He then walks in.

We walk into the kitchen, which I begin making tea for everyone. "Who would like sugar or cream?" I ask. Willy raises his hand slightly in a nervous mood. "How much?" "Five sugar cubes and a dash of cream please." I open my mouth to make sure he knew how sweet that was, but then close it as I realize his whole job is to create sweet things. I make his tea and hand it to him. "Charlie?" "One sugar cube please. Thank you miss!" I smile and make his. I sit down with them as we all sip our teas.

I look up from my tea to meet Willy's eyes again. I shake my head subtly and look down into my mug. I begin to stare off, to think about random things. "Oh I have to go to the cafe soon," I say. I get up and as I reach the doorway. I look back and see a smiling Willy staring at me. 'Man, guess me covered in waffle mix and egg and oil is hot to him.' I chuckle before heading upstairs to my room.

I peel the clothes off of me before I jump into the shower. Afterwards I put on a black frocket (if you don't know what a frocket is, shame on you.) with a pastel yet vibrant yellow long sleeved under it. I also put some simple jeans. I brush my hair and walk out, grabbing my ukulele. I look at Willy, Clara, and Charlie. "Bye!" I shout before opening the door. "Bye!!" They shout in unison. "Clara you're in charge!" "Yes ma'am!" I chuckle before going to cafe. I walk in to see only a few people (Chad and Alyssa included....again).

I made my way to the stage, "Hey everyone!! I'm Y/N and I'm here to sing for you guys while you eat, talk, or drink. Hope you enjoy." I walk to a piano. I sit down, and begin to play it. I look up and meet Chad's eyes. This song was for him..

"There's no sunshine,
This impossible year,
Only black days,
And sky grey,
And clouds full of fear.
And storms full of
That won't disappear.." I sing as my fingers dance on the white and black keys.
"Just typhoons,
And monsoons.
This impossible year...
There's no good times!
This impossible year!
Just a beach front
Of bad blood...
And a coast
That's unclear...

"All the guests at the party
They're so insincere..
They just intrude
And exclude
This impossible year...

This impossible year...
Only heartache
And heart break
And gin...
Made of tears.

"The bitter pill I swallow,
The scars
A souvenir..
That tattoo,
Your last bruise,
This impossible year...

"There's never air to breath
There's never in betweens..
These nightmares!!
Always hang on past the dreams!!!" I continue playing, not breaking eye contact. This was the last song I ever sang to him, and I wanted him to remember that.

"There's no sunshine
There's no you and me
There's no good times
This impossible year...."

I finally look away from him to the rest of the room. A few people had tears in their eyes, maybe I reminded them of an old forgotten memory. Yes a memory with a song written by Breadbin Urine, I mean Brendon Urie.

"This next song is one of my favorites in the world, I hope you like it. If you do, please join in while I sing it. It's Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds." I begin to strum a guitar and then I begin the sing.

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