Chapter 12 Beach

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I was about to leave when I notice the look on her face. I was going to ask what is wrong, but she hush me and told me she was fine and to make sure that we were back by at least dinner. I smile and hug her. I promise we will and then I turn to leave. Once I got in the car, I called Korren to see what he was up to.

Asami: Hey there

Korren: What's up

Asami: Nothing, I was thinking we can spend the day together

Korren: Really now, and what bought this on

Asami: Nothing but I did invite you over last night so

Korren: So what

Asami: ugh Korren you are being an ass, are you going to hang out with me or not

Korren: "laughing" calm down princess, I will chill with you

Asami: What did you call me

Korren: Princess, why is that a problem or let me guess your ex called you that

Asami: No, its just I had a childhood friend that use to call me that

Korren: Oh sorry, I will not do it again

Asami: No its fine, umm I guess I see you in a few

Korren: Yea bye Asami

Once they were off the phone Asami could not help but call her mother and talk about what just happen

Asami: Mother, what did Korren use to called me

Yasuko Princess why

Asami: We was joking around and He accidentally called me that

Yasuko Oh Flower, I sorry but I promise everything will be explain at dinner

Asami: Ok but why did it hurt to hear him call me that

Yasuko: I do not know love

Asami: I think I have feelings for him

Yasuko: Well, let talk about all this later ok

Asami: Ok, beside I just pull up to his place

Yasuko: Ok be careful and I love you

Asami: Love you to bye

Just as Asami was getting off the phone, she seen the three boys walking outside joking around. Bolin was the first to spot her before the other two.

Bolin: Hey Sami what are you doing here

Asami: I came to pick up the tall tan one lol

Korren: This tall tan one has a name and if you do not use it I am not going anywhere with you

Mako: what going on between the two of you

Korren: Nothing bro, her mother and my mother used to be good friends when we were little, but I do not remember, so it must have been before my accident

Bolin: Oh cool so, what are yal going to become friends to or is it more than that

Korren: One shut up and two I do not kiss and tell I am a gentleman

Mako: So yal kiss

Asami: Ugh yal are unbelievable can we leave please

Korren: Yeah yea yeah do not get your panty twisted woman

Mako: Not the only thing that can get twisted

Asami: I hate you

Mako: You wish that why we are good friends

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