Chapter 7: Reunion in a small way

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***** Back at the Sung's House ******

Korren had just finish up his morning work out and was heading to take a shower. A few moments later he came down to the living room and join Mako and Bolin. Korren tap Bolin on the shoulder and plink Mako upside the head. This end u with the boys play fighting in the living room until the hear "IF YOU BOYS NO DON'T STOP HORSE PLAYING IN MY HOUSE". Everyone froze looking up to see a very piss off mother/aunt. The boys just look up and apologize for playing and then clean up their mess. Once everything was back in order Mako and Bolin phone pang and they look at each other. In the group chat the seen that Asami had text the group and said she would she everyone at the mall in a little bit. Mako reply with cool and Bolin sent a thumb plus they were bringing their good friend along to. Mako look up at Korren and nob towards the back. Korren got the idea and follow him to the back.

Mako: So I guess you want to know why I was sneaking in this morning huh

Korren: Not really, but if I had to guess it would with why you smell like cherry blossom.

Mako: Yea, I was with Azula and we kind of been get serious

Korren: Ok, what does that have to do with me covering for you

Mako: If dad would have catch me, I would have been screw and you know how he can get

Korren: True but next time why not try the window bro

Mako just nob and they want back to the living to find Bolin hug Mrs. Sung bye and say that they were all heading to the mall. Korren just shrug and walk up to hug and kiss his aunt bye follow by Mako. They all pile up in Bolin's truck and made their way to the mall.

****AT THE MALL****

Asami was already there with Azula, Opal, Kuvira, and Baatar Jr (BJ). They group was at the food court waiting for the boys to arrive. Everyone smiles and talking about what they plan on doing for their last week for college started. Just when Bolin call out to Opal and everyone turn their head. Opal got up and ran to Bolin, while Azula walk up to Mako. Korren just stood off to the back not really wanted to be the third wheel in this case fifth. Just as he was going to tell Mako he was going to walk around a catch up with him later Bolin turn around and grab him by the arm and say guys this is our good buddy Korren.

Everyone say hi and was about to intrude their self when Korren look at Asami and said it's you from the park. Everyone looks between the two and Asami hand came up and say let me explain before yal get the wrong idea.

Asami: This morning on my morning jog I was bump into by him and he told his name and that was it

Korren: yea by the way I never got your name

Asami: "smile" The name is Asami Sato

Korren: While it's nice to final meet you and as for the rest I am going to guess you are Opal (point at her) and Azula (point at her) but I am afraid I never heard of you two

Kuvira: I am not surprise at all lol, but I am Kuvira and this is my boyfriend Baatar Jr, but everyone calls him BJ

Korren just nod and then turn back to the brothers

Korren: while guys I will late you have your play date with your friends lol and I am going to go grab some gear for basketball

Mako: Dude we are the same age minus Bolin, and you don't have to go

Korren: Hey its cool everyone is with their gf/bf and I am sure Asami bf is on the way, I am not being the odd ball out

Bolin: Actual, Asami is single and we brought you here to make new friends

Asami: Ok 1 yal act like I am not standing right here, 2 did you really have to put my business out like that

Bolin: Sorry Sami, I was just stating facts

Mako: Anyway, lets just walk around and you can do your shopping as we go

Korren just shrug his should and everyone else agree. As the group was walking around talking and doing a little shopping Korren could not help but think he had heard that name before but decide it was nothing. As far as Asami goes she could not help but keep glancing over at him until Opal yell girl potty break. All the girls smile and Asami knew she was in trouble. The guys just stood off to the side and start talking.


Opal: Ok spoil it because you have yet to take your eyes off of him

Kuvira: I agree, and we been friends long enough to know that look

Azula: Yea what gives

Asami: Ok so after I ran into him this morning I went back home and talk with my mother and come to find out Korren and I exactly have history

Opal: Like what kind of history

Asami: Well let just say he was my "elementary boyfriend" but not really. Ma told me we would always play princess and knight and he refuse to let everyone hurt me or took the blame for everything. We never were actually together because according to ma Korren would always yell Princess Asami will marry a Prince and not me because I am her Knight that will always protect her.

Azula: Wow what happen

Asami: Korren dad is in the military and of course they head to leave when it was time to go

Kuvira: Dang I am sorry to hear but it seems like you starting to remember those feeling

Opal: Oh she not only remembers she going to relive it because we going to help set them up


BJ: So you down here to play basketball

Korren: Yea, but if I don't pull through on my end, I have to join the military

Bolin: Dang bro sorry to hear

Korren: Any way what are the plans for later on, I would like to visit the basketball court

Mako: We can go after the girls finish whatever they are doing

Just as Mako say that he get a text message from Azula say that they are playing matchmaker and it was the guys job to help and if he did while then he would be award 

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