Chapter 39: Playoff

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                                                                            3 Months later

It was the night of the playoff and everyone was nervous because this game determine if the boys go to the championship in two weeks.  There was two hours left before the game start and Korren was about to leave his house when he was called my Asami.

Korren: Yes dear

Asami: Do not yes dear me mister

Korren: What then

Asami: 1. Lose the attitude 2. what is wrong with you and 3. I was going to tell you that you forgot something ass hole

Korren: I am sorry just stress and what did I forget 

Asami: (pouting) my kiss but since you to stress I will let you go

Korren: ( Upset with Himself) Fuck I am sorry babe I did not mean to take it out on you. Come here beautiful

Asami: Yes 

Korren: I love you (kissing her) and I can not wait for this weekend

Asami: Oh really why is that love

Korren: Because one I get you myself and two my parents are coming in  

Asami: mmm I will enjoy the you and me part 

 Korren say I bet and kiss Asami one more time before leaving to head to the gym. Once he got there he change in to this uniform and warm up suit.

The team did their warm up and head back in to the locker room to listen to the coach. 

*** Game Time ***

Each team was giving it their all and Asami and her friends could tell Korren was giving it his all. She was worry about him pushing his self to hard.  The game was 21 to 24 just in the first quarter and they was losing. She had to get his attention some how to let him know it was ok he can do it   only if he calm down and breathe. 

She seen Mya and figure even if they did not like each other she had a bet chance of getting to him. She made her way down to her and tap him on the shoulder.

Asami: Mya

Mya: Yes

Asami:look I know we do not get along but I need a favor

Mya: And that would be 

Asami:  need you to get Korren attention for me please when he come in to sit down for a break

Mya: Sure 

Asami: Sure ???

Mya: Yea if it was not for you I would not be with my boyfriend Iroh now so I own you one

Asami: Thanks

Mya: No problem

As soon as Asami got back to her sit Korren had came into rest. Mya walk up to him and whisper in his ear. Korren turn around to look at Asami and see mouth I love you and have to breath so you can think clearly bae. Korren nod and say love you to before he turn around. 

The game went a lot smoothly half Asami somewhat talk to Korren. By half time the score was tie 34-34. Asami and the gang was talk when Iron walk up and tap Asami on the shoulder. She turn around and look at him.

Iroh: Hi

Asami: Hey, whats up 

Iroh: nothing I just want to come over and say thank you

Asami: Iroh it was no problem I was glad to help

Iroh: Yea but because of you I was able to get her attention and she stop thinking about Korren

Asami: Again, it was no problem I just want my baby to myself and her off of him lol

Iroh: lol, yea well enjoy the rest of the game and thanks again

Asami: You too, and your welcome

Half time was over and the game was back on. You can tell that both team was giving it their all. It was not until the fourth quarter that the fire ferret took the lend with only 3 minutes in the game. 

The buzz goes off and the score was 86 to 72. The gym was in a roar because the fire ferret was going to the champion against the wolf bats.  After both team shake hand the team ran back to the locker room to shower and come out to its fans. 

Once the team was dance they all walk out and was rush with people yelling congratulation and gave hugs. Korren broke off and walk up to Asami and gave her the biggest kiss they had. 

Once the kiss broke off and they caught their breathe Korren turn to his friends and thank them. Everyone was talk until Korren name got call and he turn around with Asami still attach to him.

Korren walk up to the mic and said Thank you everyone who came out and I can not say how happy me and the fire ferret are. The crowd yell and then Korren finally said Fire Ferret lets take this fight to those wolf bats and win that championship. Party tomorrow right now lets go home and rest.

With that Korren walk away with Asami. 

Asami: I am so proud of you bae

Korren: Thanks love

Asami: I see you at home since we drove different vehicles lol

Korren: of course

***ten minutes later***

Korren is lay in bed with Asami cuddle up. Right before they fall asleep Asami whisper in Korren ear.

Asami: Tonight you rest, but tomorrow I have a gift for you

Korren: Oh really and what that

Asami: Not telling night love you (kissing Korren)

Korren: MMM love you to 

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