Chapter 24 Mother always know what to say

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                                                            Sorry this is a short chapter 

Once Korren, got in his house, he sat down and start feeling upset and member of Katara was running thought he his mind. Korren could not take it and grab his phone to call his mother.

Korren: Mere (mother)

Senna: Oh little wave, what is wrong

Korren: Pourquoi ça fait mal (why does it hurt)

Senna: What do you mean

Korren: Maman, Katara est partie. Asami Ne veut pas de moi (Mom, Katara is gone. Asami does not want me)

Senna: Oh, baby I am sorry

Korren: ......

Senna: Korren listen to me

Korren: Yes ma'am

Senna: Korren, you are a strong handsome young man. I know you are hurting but you need to take time and remember that as long as there is love in your heart and you are living no matter what you can get through anything.

Korren: Yes ma'am

Senna: Je t'aime petite vague (I love you little wave)

Korren: Je t'aime aussi maman (I love you too mom)

Once Korren was off the phone he decides he would take his mother advice and decide he would through himself and working out and get ready for basketball. Preparing for school and focus on the himself. He looks at the calendar and see that it is Friday, he decided he would put his phone done until Saturday night.


Asami arrive home and went straight to her room. She needed time to herself to figure out what had happened. She lay across her bed lose in tough when there was a knock on the door. Asami did not even answer it, but her mother still opens the door and walk in. At first, she just sat down and rub her daughter leg. Nothing was not said for a while.

Yasuko: Baby what's wrong

Asami: Korren

Yasuko: What happen

Asami: Mother did you know he was hurt by some many people

Yasuko: No honey

Asami: And I added to his pain

Yasuko: Oh baby, there is no way you could have known any of this

Asami: But mother, you should have seen his face, and all the pain that was there

Yasuko: I know love but give him a little time and just check on him later

Asami: yes ma'am

Yasuko: re you coming down for dinner

Asami: is there any way I can eat up here

Yasuko: Of course honey

Yasuko got up and kiss her daughter on the head and then left. As she walked out, she pulls her phone out and called her best friend.

Senna: Well, how did I know you would call me

Yasuko: Oh I don't know because we just find each other again and there no way I am losing you at all

Senna: Oh I see, while my little flower what seem to be wrong, I hear it in your voice

Yasuko: "laugh" so we go back the nicknames we pass to our children

Senna: we do not have to

Yasuko: Now I didn't say that little wave

Senna: lol, so what wrong

Yasuko: What are we going to do about our children

Senna: Idk love but I know we have to let this play out

Yasuko: I hate seeing them like this

Senna: I know but there not much we can do Korren had it hard since we left and then grown u and so many girls just hurt my baby, I never thought he would recover after Katara

Yasuko: Wave, what happen

Senna: After his head injury, we took things slow with him and then he met this nice girl name Katara, everything was going fine until the day the him, Katara, and her bother was in shot because they was in the cross fire of two cars driving by shooting at each other

Yasuko: Oh, wave I am so sorry

Senna: Its ok, I know he just going shut down for a few days, but I know to give him space and he will bounce back

Yasuko: I trust you but I not so sure about Asami, she feels like it her fault he adding to his pain, and I know she care for him still

Senna: Listen, I know she is a strong independence young woman like her mother and I want you to tell her not to let this get to her, and I know for a fact that Korren Love her but he not going to hold this against her

Yasuko: Of course, my little wave

Senna: Talk to you soon little flower

Yasuko: of course

Once off the phone, Yasuko, she joins her husband and relax for the rest of the day cuddle under him.

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