Chapter 18: Telling everyone it over

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Once the Waters arrive at Satos' they were greeted by Yasuko and Hiroshi. Afterward they went to the dinner hall to eat dinner where the met Asami. Senna smile and Tonraq nodded to her. They all ate dinner having small talk when Yasuko notice something was off with her daughter. She could not figure it out.

Yasuko: Asami dear what is wrong

Asami: Huh, oh nothing mother

Senna: You sure, you seem down

Asami: No I promise everything is fine

No one say anything after. Once dinner was done the Senna let the Satos know that they will be leave tomorrow after they check in with Korren and see how he did after his first day of practice. Yasuko was sad to see her friend go but she understands and promise to stay in touch. Good nights were exchange and Yasuko walked to Asami room.

Yasuko: Little Flower may I enter

Asami: Of course mother

Yasuko: You care to tell me what wrong

Asami: Mother I.... I ended things with Korren

Yasuko: What why

Asami: After our talk, I realize that we may have been moving to fast

Yasuko: Little Flower, our talk was to advise you everything and to make sure you are safe

Asami: I know but we share a few kisses and next thing you know he say a few sweet words and boom we slept together

Yasuko: You don't think Korren is like that do you

Asami: Idk, Iron and Mako did the same thing but I did not let them pass us kissing, Korren played on our past

Yasuko: Oh, flower, I assure Korren is nothing like that and I think you might want to rethink this

Asami: Idk mother but I think I want to go to bed

Asami went to bed with a broken heart, she dreams of Korren.

*****Asami Dream*****

Oh Korren, what are you doing. Nothing sweetheart trying to cook you, dinner why ask Korren. Well I want cuddles and a kiss but you over there cooking.

Korren: Sami, please let me finish and you can have all the cuddles and kisses

Asami: Fine, but you better make sure is good

Korren: Oh really, would you rather me not cook and you do it

Asami: I didn't say that

Korren: Are you sure about that

Asami: Yes, I am sorry

After Korren finish fixing their dinner and they ate while talk about their day. After Korren gather their dish to go wash them, as he was finishing up the dishes, Asami came up to him and hug him from behind. Korren turn around and put his arms around her. He bent down and kiss her and then whisper its time to wake up. Asami look at him in confusion and next thing she realizes she was being shaking awake.

*****Back in Asami Room****

Asami open her eyes to see her mother standing above her. Yasuko smile down at her and say dear its time for you to get up don't you have plans with the girls today. Asami just nodded and got up. Before Yasuko walk up say told Asami she would be with Senna all day before the Waters left. She smiles and said ok. Asami got up to go take a shower but not before texting the girls asking what the plan was for today.

Azula: Idk it's girls' day

Kuvira: while observes loser

Opal: Hi, no need to call names

Asami: lol well yal figure it out, I am hoping in the shower

Asami put her phone down and went to go get in the shower. She took this time to wash off the dream she had last night and focus on today. Once she came back, she picks up her phone and seen she had another text other than the girls. Asami open it and seen it was from Mako. She open it and it read " Hi Asami, idk what happen between you and Korren but he have not been himself, but I am sure his GF can fix that lol" Asami just look at the text and refuse to reply she want back to the girls text and text in all caps SPA DAY. No one eject and decide to meet there in 20 minutes.

Once at the spa the girls enjoy a nice relaxing message and then went to the mud bath.

Kuvira: So you never told us what really happen after the movies miss

Asami: what is there to tell

Azula: Really Sami, we all know you two hooked up

Asami: Really and how would you know that

Azula: Mako

Asami: Well did Mako tell you that me and Korren are not together anymore either

Opal: Wait what do you mean it was not even 3 days

Kuvira: Yea, what happen

Asami: Well when yal did not show up to the park I offer to take him home but instead we took a walk we kiss, took him home invited over for dinner the next day, Sunday we went to the beach he ask me to his gf than we made out took him to my house find out what happen in the past, he got upset and then I took him to the beach hut after we ummm "blushing'" the next day our mothers figure it out he got in more trouble than me but after talk with my mother I just end things with him

Opal: oh wow

Azula: Wait a minute our little Asami is not a virgin anymore

Asami: OMG really

Kuvira: So you're not, how was it

Asami: Really girls

Opal: Oh come on, you know we all went though this when the others find out

Asami: Fine, it was amazing, he was so gentle with me and OMG that togue of his felt amazing

Azula: Did you return the favor

Asami: That the weird thing about it, he did not want me to

Kuvira: Is he gay or something

Asami: No, he said I was a princess and I should never do things like that

Opal: wow he a gentleman

Asami: yea I guess but it doesn't matter we not together

The girls just decide to drop the topic and finish enjoying their spa day.

****Meanwhile with Korren*****

Good job today boys, we know where we need to focus. Go hit the showers. As everyone left Korren stand behind and kept doing drills and shooting hoops. He stayed for another two hours and before he left. Once he left, he heads home to call his mother, before he calls his mother, Mako had text him again. Yo bro everything good you kind of blow us off. Korren shoot a quick text and said yea just focusing on basketball. After he called his mother and told her he was home. Korren straight the house and start cooking his meal prep. Once everything was done and he fix dinner for tonight there was a knock on the door. Korren open the door and welcome his mother in.

Korren: Bonjour mère (hello mother)

Senna: Petite vague (little wave)

Korren: Where is father

Senna: Oh, getting everything ready for us to leave and you know he don't like goodbyes

Korren: Lol of course

Senna: How was practice today

Korren: It was great and for now its every Tuesday and Thursday until month have pass

Senna: That's good, well I just went to check on you before we leave, I love you and stay in touch

Korren: of course, mother I love you to

Senna and Korren hug and say their goodbye. That night Korren decide after dinner he would go to bed early. Tomorrow he had to go to the school to schedule his class for the semester. As far as Asami she was doing the same thing but agree to go with the girls.

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