Chapter 43: Exam Week

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It exam week everyone was stress out.  Every you look there was college students studying, pulling their hair, or chewing on their nails. This exam would determine if the student enjoy their summer break or not 

****Korren and Asami House***

Korren was passing back and forward in his living stressing out speaking in French to no one.

Korren: Je ne peux pas faire cela, comment en suis-je arrivé à ce stade en premier lieu. Qui fait un examen pour voir si les élèves prévoyaient une attention toute l'année scolaire. Putain, je ne peux pas faire ça, alors Asami ne va pas me vouloir parce que je ne suis pas aussi intelligent qu'elle pensait que j'étais. Ugh qu'est-ce que je vais faire. Je sais que j'ai besoin d'un verre. (I can not do this, how did I make it this far in the first place. Who make an exam to see if the students was planning attention all school year. Fuck I can not do this, then Asami not going to want me because I not as smart as she though I was. Ugh what am I going to do. I know I need a drink.)

At the last part Asami had walk in and notice her boyfriend was shirtless, and freaking out and running to what look like the kitchen to get a drink.

Asami: Korren

Korren: je ne peux pas faire ça (I can not do this)

Asami: KORREN !!!!

Korren turn around to look at Asami 

Korren: yes love

Asami: what in the hell going on and what are you doing

Korren: I am fix me a drink trying to calm my nerves, I do not see how you are so calm right now

Asami: Because I have a way to let my stress out and you need to figure yours our with out drinking mister

Korren: Fine I will go work out and if that not enough woman I am coming for you(smirking)

Asami: Oh no you don't because last time we have stress sex I could not walk straight for a week

Korren: But you love me and you know we have fun to 

Asami shook her head and walk away from Korren into the room.

***few days later***

BJ: Hey guys how you thing you did on the exam, I feel good about it

Bolin: I think I did pretty good

Mako: Yea same what about you ladies

Opal:  I ace it 

Kuvira: Same

Azula: nothing to it

Asami: I know I pass, but this one here is going make me coke him

Korren: What its not my fault. You know how I get when it come to any kind of test so bite me woman

Not realizing it Asami lend over and actually bite Korren cause him to yell. Everyone laugh and Korren just sat there unset

Asami: Awww come here my big baby 

Korren: How about a no, I going for a ride these dam exam drove me up the wall and now my woman and friends are laughing at me

Before anyone could say anything Korren got up and head to his bike.

BJ: Is he going be ok

Asami: yea, he be fine, you should have seen him last time he was stress I was ready to kill him

Azula: mmm That could be or bad 

Asami: oh shut up, you

Kuvira: (laughing) why didn't you just treat him like you did last time lol

Asami: No, you seen what that did to me and he will be ok

Opal: OMG now that was a funny week

Bolin: You want to fill us in

Asami: NO

Azula: Sure, Asami could walk straight that week cause extra activity lol 

Mako, BJ, and Bolin: Oh

Asami: I hate you 

Opal: No you don't but any way we all better go I see yal later and good luck with him

Everyone wave good bye and Asami headed home to wait for Korren. Two hours later Korren show up back at home and just lay on the sofa with his head in Asami lap while she was reading.

Korren: I am sorry for earlier bae

Asami: I know that's why I am not saying anything right now

Korren: I love you

Asami: Love you to now let eat dinner and go to bed so we can put this day behind us

Korren: of course my queen

***Jump to Friday***

Everyone was head to the bullet board to check their score on their exams. Korren just stood in the back not wanting to see his so he had Asami check for him. Korren know if he did not pass their go his basketball career. 

Asami: Hi bae

Korren: yea

Asami: I hate to tell you this but 

before Asami could finish Korren walk away with his head down

Korren: je le savais ( i knew it)

Asami: Korren

Korren: Non ça va mon amour, tu n'as pas à me dire que j'échoue (No it ok love, you do not have to tell me I fail)

Asami: Exactly you pass you big dummy

Korren stop in his track in look at Asami not sure what he hear

Korren: quoi (what)

Asami: Ugh (rolling her eyes) tu passes mon amour maintenant viens ici (you pass my love now come here)

Korren ran up to Asami picking her up and spin around laughing. Once he was done, he put Asami down and kiss her with so much passion. Asami just smile in to the kiss and hug him tighter. Once they broke for air they notice their friends was standing right there look at them.

Korren: what

Mako: Nothing dude

Asami: Sure, but assume everyone pass their exam

Everyone: Yeah 

Korren: So let go out and celebrate then

With that being said the group went their back to their own home and got ready for a party of their life.

Author Notes: This story is coming to an end soon I may have 3 or 4 more chapter and then I think of starting a new story but much short still in the air. But thinks for sticking with me

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