Chapter 13: Surprise from the past

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It as near seven when they arrive at the Sato's house. Both of them still smiling and walking in holding hands. As the reach the dinner room, Korren stop die in his track, Korren was not expecting to see his mother or father. Senna turn and look at Korren.

Senna: Little Wave

Korren: Mother!!! "walking up to hug her"

Senna: How are you

Korren: I am good but what are you doing here school does not start for another week

Senna: "with a sad smile: We here to explain something every important to you and Asami

Asami: Me

Yasuko: Yes little flower

Asami: Ok, well let sit

Tonraq: Korren

Korren: Yes sir

Tonraq: I may have near told you this but I want you to know I love you and at some part of the story I will gave you an order and you know the rules when it ok to this right

Korren: Yes sir

Tonraq: Very well, let's begin

Hiroshi: It actual all begin here in Republic City; it was when your parent's first move here after you I believe

Yasuko: Dear we going to skip a little ahead, I meet you mother the first day when yal start kindergarten. From that day forward we was inseparable

Senna: Yes, we were and you and Asami became the same way it was so cute, we would joke around how we should do an arrange marriage lol.

Korren: Ok I am still confused what is going on, the families got close, but this does not explain anything of right now

Tonraq: Korren watch it and just listen

Not realizing he was starting to get angry and just sit back and listen

Senna: Little wave this next part I am about to tell you may change everything and I want you to I love you and we did everything we could, but this is the part I hate the most "towards to look at Tonraq"

Tonraq: Korren "in commanding voice" Sit at ease

Korren straight his back and sat perfectly still and did not move or talk he just look straight forward and waited

Asami: Is that really call for, I mean it can not be that bad right

Hiroshi: Umm sweetheart, it might be, and I will advise you to know the same because what they are about to say will affect you to

Asami just look at everyone face and can tell this was going to do life changing, so just sat back and waited. Yasuko and Senna look at each other and was trying to figure out who was going to tell the rest but Senna figure she should since Korren was her son.

*****Senna speaking / flashback to that day ********

We were at a play date here at the Sato place. You two was running around play knight and princess as always. It was cute. Yasuko and I was sitting in the tearoom having tea and talking about random things. Then two 9 years old decide to come in because they were having a very heated argument. Yasuko ask you both what was wrong and pull Asami into her lap because she was about to cry. That's was when you notice she was upset because of you Korren and ran over to her and took her hand and apologize and then out the blue you kiss her hand and bend down on one knee. It was so cute and took Asami by surprise, you look at her and was like Princess Asami, I am sorry for upsetting you and pledge that you forgave your knight, I just laugh and Asami was a blushing mess she hide in her mother arms. To ease the tension I pull in my lap and ask why you two fighting in the first place was. You explain that Asami wanted to marry her shine knight and armor but you told her, she had to marry her prince charming it was the only way and she could not marry anyone else or you would not play with her anymore nor would you be her knight to protect her. Yasuko and I look at each other and laugh then say that choose can be made later when you are older. Happy that was settle you was determine it was time for the pool. So we made our way to the pool where everything changes that day. "taken a moment to compose herself" We made our way to the pool and you and Asami was running around we told yal to stop running and it was all fine until we got to the pool and no one notice that some of the equipment that the adult would use was not up and Asami was heading over towards it. She calls you over and all we could see was you pushing Asami out of the way from everything falling on her, but you were not fast another to get out of the way. The metal pipes fall hitting you in the head and you falling into the pool. But not before your hit your head again on the side of the pool. Everything happen so fast we had to rush you to the hospital, and you were in the back for hours. Everyone would stop by and see how you was or if there was any updated. Final after what felt like forever the doctor came out and let us in to see you. My poor baby just laying, not sure when you would wake up. About 2 weeks later you finally woke up, but you could not remember anything or anyone. You was scared and just kept crying you wanted you mommy, it hurt me so bad cause you did not know who I was until the day you father came home, he welcome into you room in his uniform and for the love of my he yell at ease and you just stop, everyone in the room just look between you and your father confuse, he look you straight in the face and said "you are a waters and a mini soldier you do not cry, but you will stop acting like a brat." For some reason you just reach out for me and I took you in my arms and held you. As I held you, you put your little arms around be and say mommy, I am scared. From that day on I stay by yourself and help you remember things. The day I was able to bring you home, the Sato came over to visit, but that was the day we realize you did not know who they was because as soon as Asami ran up to hug you, you push her away and ask her who was she and why was she touching you, I look at you and say you not remember your princess Asami, Korren. You shook your head no and then left to go for your father. It was the saddest day ever, and on top of that we find out the next day we had to pack up and leave for your father next station.

**********Back to the currently situation****

Yasuko: After that day Asami was upset and it took everything for us to make her happy

Tonraq: Son, I want you listen to me and listen well do you understand

Korren: Yes Sir

Tonraq: I am going to release you, but do not leave this house because I know what you are about to do

Korren: Yes Sir

Tonraq: ok you are dismissed

Korren stood up from the table and just walk out of the room, at first, he walked towards the front door but remember he was not allowed to leave the house. He need air and he needed it now, so he walk back and did not look at anyone else but went straight his father and look him straight in the face and say sir may I at least go to the backyard for some air please. Tonraq nodded his head and Korren than look at Hiroshi and ask Sir which way is to your backyard. Hiroshi just stood and say follow me I will show. Korren just nodded and follow him out the room. Hiroshi return and no one say anything or move. No one knew what to do especially with the new information that was share. Asami then stood and say I am going to go check on him. Asami walk outside to see Korren lay on the ground looking up at the sky.

Asami: Hi

Korren: ......

Asami: Look I can not understand what you are feeling but I feel horrible for what I did to you all those years ago and understand if you want to end our relationship

Korren: ............

Asami: ok well I guess I just leave then, all I wanted to do was come outside and let you know I am sorry "Lend down to kiss him on the head goodbye"

WhatAsami was not excepting was for Korren to grab her and hold her tightly. Shejust turns around and hug him back. They stay like that for a while and did notmove until Korren was ready. He looks up into Asami eyes and just say I am sosorry I forgot you princess. Can you ever forgive me? Asami shook her head andsay it was not your fault but me. I the reason for your accident and hope youcan forgive me. Korren lend in to Asami and just kiss her and until he needair. After that he look at her and ask was there somewhere private they could go just, they two of them.

Next chapter is rated R for sexual content

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