Chapter 14 I need you (rated R)

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Sexual content in this chapter

Asami just look into his pledge his and nodded but told him to wait right her that she would go get a few things. Korren just nodded and she left. Asami walk back into the house and find all the adults in the tearoom, Senna look up and ask was everything ok, Asami nodded and then looked at her mother.

Asami: Do we still own that little hut on the beach that is about 30 minutes away

Yasuko: Yes, why

Asami: Korren want to get away for a little bit and I figure why not take him to the beach plus we could just crush there if he does not want to come back

Senna: I think that a good idea he always loves the water and it always calm him down

Hiroshi: Let me get the keys for you and just be careful please

Asami: thank you daddy and of course

Hiroshi return with the keys and told Asami to take the jeep the cool air may help to; she nodded and then hug and kiss everyone goodbye. Before she left Senna whisper in her ear to please care of Korren. She nodded and then walk back outside and grab Korren and they left. The whole ride there was quiet until they pull up to the hut. Korren raise an eyebrow and look at Asami. She smiles and told him to come on, she also let him know that they own this, so it will only be the two of them. Korren smile and grab Asami hand and follow her into the house. They walk in and Asami went to they kitchen, to see what they had available because either one of they ate. She looks at him and let him know they only had a few frozen dinners from when her and her friends say two weeks ago. Korren just nodded and goes to look around the small hut. Once the food was done, they ate and sit on the couch and cuddle. Asami was lay on him and rubbing small circle on his chest. Korren grab Asami chin and made look at him. They stare at each other before lips was connected. Asami was pulled into Korren lap, Korren broke the kiss and start to kiss down her neck. Asami release a moan that drove Korren to start leaving little bit marks. He left her up and carry her to the bedroom. He throws her on the bed and rips off his shirt. Asami was nervous and stop Korren. He looks at her and ask what was wrong, she just look away and told him that she was nervous, and she never did anything past make out. Korren realize what she meant and got off the bed. He was about to leave when Asami grab his hand and told him to stay. She wanted to know what he is thinking. All he could say is I need you but if you are not ready, I understand. Asami did not know what to say, but she did not want him to go so she pull him back to him and whisper, "I am ready just scared, but if you keep your promise of always protect me and take care of me then we can continue". Korren leans down and take her lips in his own and reignites the fire as before. Their lips were in sync. Korren lifts Asami by her waist and pulls off her shirt. On one fluid motion unhooks her bra and throws it far away. All he could he was stare then say you're fucking beautiful my princess. Will do your knight the honor and allow me to make love to you. Asami nodded her head, and Korren takes her breasts in his hands and sucks on each nipple. Giving them much needed attention. He slow kisses his way down and was going to remove her pants but not without permission first. He looks at Asami and she nodded again. Korren pulls down her pants and panties in pull and begin to kiss from where he left off, once he reaches her lips, He lick her ferociously. Korren tongue was walking overtime to make Asami feel good. Once he shifts his focus on her clit, Asami start to see stars. She is scratching his back and grab onto the bed. All Asami could do was release a loud moan once she came. As Asami come down from her high, Korren pulls back to take off his pants. Asami jumps up when she sees how big he was. Korren realize and begin to have second thought. He turns to Asami and was about to tell her, he can go take care of it in the shower, but she shook her head and grab a hold of the 7 ½ cock in front of her. She gave it a few pumps making Korren moan. He could not take it anymore and pin her against the bed. The look of pure lust engulfs them. She nodded and he a line himself and was about to push in when he stops. Asami was confuse at what happen especially when he got off of her. He looks back and say he had to grab the condom in his wallet, he did not want to take a chance. She understood and waited. Once the condom was on, he aligns himself back up and start to push in. He goes slow into her. The pain she felt cause her to dig into his back and bite him, Korren stop pushing and kiss her on the side asking did she want to stop. She shook her head and just told him to give her a minute. After a few moments she told him she was ok, he pushes farther in until he bottoms out. He gives her a few more second to adjust to him. Once she was good, he starts a slow thrust giving her more time, but the pain was replaced with pleasure and soon she was moaning loud and crying out his name. Korren pick up the pace. She grabs his back and tears into his back leaving bloody scratches all over. This makes Korren thrust faster. They continue as both of them feel their climax coming. Asami I'm gonna was all Korren could get out as he pushes deep inside her as he cums. Right when he thrusts it send Asami into a world of bliss as her climax peaks. Asami scream "Korren". Both collapse unable to catch their breath. Once he got his breathe, he pulls out leave Asami moaning. He throws the condom in the trash and lay back down pulling a very sleepy Asami to his chest. He kisses her head and whisper I love you princess and I may be your knight, but no prince can have you. As he says that Korren fall asleep. Asami smile and say love you to and fall asleep. The next morning Asami woke up to Korren between her legs eating her out. Asami was moan and grab hold of Korren hair. She was getting close to but did not want it to end just yet but Korren togue start playing with her clit and she could not hold it in. Asami scream Korren name as she came. One she came down; she smiles and look at Korren and pull him to her she flips them over and sit on top of him. He just looks up at her and smile and then ask what you are doing. Oh nothing just trying to make sure you don't go anywhere and figure out what brought on your mood, Asami say.

Korren: mmm I got hungry and needed to eat

Asami: Oh really

Korren: yea, is there a problem with that

Asami: Oh no but I feel like I should repay the favor

Korren: Princess, I love you but no

Asami: No, what do you mean no "pouting"

Korren: Because last night was your first time and as a princess you should never go down on a man

Asami: You not going let go of the princess thing and as I recall from us being younger, I just lost my virginity to my knight, not a prince.

Korren just pouted and was about to push Asami off of him but she reaches down and grab his cock. He freezes and look at her, but she just smiles and start pumping him. He starts moaning and once he was hard enough, she looks and ask did he want to stop trying to push her off and listen. He just nodded and grab her hip and left her to align her to slide down. As she came down all Asami could do is moan, Korren grin and look Asami and ask was you saying something. Asami just moan and was about to start talking but Korren decide to start moving his hips causing Asami to bounce up and down but she flips the roll and start grind on him. Korren ready to cum but had to grab Asami hip and stop. Asami was confuse and ask what happen

Korren: Bae you have to get off we don't have protection

Asami: Oh "and start grinding away" bae its ok I will go get on birth control tomorrow and then "moan" I grab a plan b before we go back

Korren: "moaning" bae I Cumming

Once he came Asami came right behind him. She then fall on him. Coming down from their high Korren just held Asami tight, but she pushes off him gave him a kiss but say they need to shower. After showering the gather their thing and got ready to leave to head back to the sato house. On the way they stop at the store, while Asami was in the store Korren phone had start to ring, he realize it was his aunt.

Korren: Hello Auntie

Naoki: Korren Waters where in the hell have you been, have we worry sick

Korren: "laughing" Auntie, calm down but my mother calms into town and I promise I will bring her over to explain everything that happen but just know I know what happen when I was younger now.

Naoki: Oh lord ok while I will be waiting for you, I love you and you make sure you make your way home tonight

Korren: Yes ma'am and love you to see you tonight

As Korren hung up the phone Asami arrive back at the car. She looks worry but he shook his head and say it was just his aunt, she smiles and lend over to kiss him and after let him know she took the plan b they had to her house

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