Chapter 25 : Goodbye

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It was Saturday night before anyone heard from Korren. Everyone who cares for him had called, text, and even stop by to check on him, well everyone but Asami that was. These was when Korren decided that he had to let Asami know something important and only her. So he decide to text her and ask if she could come over for just a little bit because there was something important he wanted her to know. At first Asami did not reply and Korren figure, she was done with him and there friendship was over.  Just as he was about to say fuck it, his phone went off. He looked and it was a reply from Asami. She told him that she would stop by but she did not have a whole lot of time and he had to be quick about. 

Korren cleaned his whole house and than finish preparing for Asami. Just as he had finish the final touches on everything, Asami had knocked on the door. He could tell she was not in the mood for any side bar or anything so, he ask her to sit in the living room and he would be right there. Asami did not say anything just walk in and sit down. 

Korren ran to his bedroom and came back with a present for her. She looked at him werid but did not say anything. So, Korren spoke up.

Korren: Look, Asami, I know you only have a few minutes to gave so I will make this fast and when I am done, You can leave and not talk to me anymore if you choose to do so. So here goes nothing. I want to say I am sorry for everything I did. From the kiss in the park up to when we had sex at the beach hut, now do not get me wrong I do not regret anything but I have to tell you I am sorry from the bottom of my heart. The night when you stay here and I open up to you I realize one thing. Besides Katara, I have never felt the way I felt about anyone the way I feel about you. The necklace you have on right now was suppose to be a sign of us reconnecting and me being your Knight once again. I see now that, this was not the way to do it. So what You have in your hand is for you to take home and open whenever you want to.I promise I will not reach out to get in touch with you, until you decide to contact me first. So take your time and do what you please with everything I just told you. That is all I wanted, if you have nothing for me, then I will not keep you because I know you said you only have a few minutes and I know I may have wasted you time as is now.

Asami did not say anything at first she just look at Korren and then back at the box. She got up and head for the door. Korren just sat there and felt his heart broke move, before Asami was all the way out the door she heard him said I love you Princess. Asami head to her car and Korren went to bed early because there was nothing else for him to do but mend his broken heart and start to hardern it again.

Asami was on her way home, truth be told she had nothing to do but she did not wanted to be with Korren no longer did she have to. Asami was still trying to figure out what was she really feeling towards him and could she even trust him. Asami knew Korren really didn't do anything wrong but she could not help but compare him to her past. Once Asami got home she went straight to her room and throw the present on the bed and head straight for her stationary. She pulled out her notebook and started to make notes between the 3 guys that she had dated. 

****Asami notebook****

Iron: Flirted back and foward for about 2 weeks and then started dated. Dated for 6 months but realize we did not have alot of time for each other. Have not talk since

Mako: Started out as friends and decide to gave each other a chance. Was hapy with each other for 5 months until cheated with some girl. After some time away from each other became friends again

Korren: Was childhood friends until 4th grade. Reconneted after 10 years. Barely dated for 3 days. Now we are in a strange place

All three of the got as far as kissing but Korren got my V card. All was handsome and seem to care about me. 

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