Chapter 16: Time to move out

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On the way back to his aunt house Korren was on the phone with Asami about 10 minutes after he left her house.

Korren: Princess are you

Asami: Yes, I just feel upset that now we may be split because of what happen

Korren: I would never let that happen I promise

Asami: How did your mother know what happen

Korren: Funny story, I have been sexually active since I was 17 and the first time my mother finds out she realize that I get a look in my eye I guess

Asami: A look in your eye

Korren: umm it's like some kind of afterglow in my eye plus it does not help, I left that hickey you love

Asami: yea about that, mister if you do that again I will punish you

Korren: Oh really now, I think I just might have to

Asami: Korren James Water stop that,

Korren: I have to go; I am about to walk into the house, and I am sure I am going to get another literal by my aunt

Asami: Ok, bae I love you

Korren: Love you to Princess

Korren hung up and walk in the house and was met with the whole Sung family sitting in the living room. He did not know how to react, so he just says hi and was about to walk to his room.

Naoki: Mister where do you think you are going

Korren: Well I was going to my room, but I guess I am coming to sit down

Naoki: I think you are right

Korren: "sitting down" Look auntie and uncle I am sorry for not calling yesterday but with my parents' showing up and everything that happen, I just had a lot on my mind

San: Korren what happen yesterday

Korren: While it's a long story

Naoki: That's fine but I would like to know before I decide to ground you to this house

Korren just draw in a breath and begin to tell them everything that happen minus the sexually active that happen. Everyone just looks at him and could not decide what to do next. Just when Naoki was about to speak there was a knock on the door. San got up and answer the door, to their surprise it was the Waters. Now Korren really wanted to go to his room. He quickly looks at his aunt with a pledging look and she just nodded. Just when Korren was about to go to his room, his father called him. Korren knew he could not define his father, so he went to his father. They step outside and everyone else stay inside and begin to talk and catch up.

Korren: Yes sir

Tonraq: Korren James Water, I don't know if I should just pull you from this school and make you go back with us so you can start on your military career or smoke(Slang term for workout as a punishment) the shit out of you.

Korren: I understand sir

Tonraq: I understand you was a little upset yesterday, but you need to tell me what was going though your head sleeping with Asami

Korren: Father, I mean sir I can not really say what was going through my head, but I can tell you she has always had my heart especially when yal fill in the missing piece of my left. I understand why my past relationship did not really work out because I never really love them like I love her.

Tonraq: mmmm

Korren: I know I let you down with my action and I will go pack my things and get ready to go to the military

Tonraq: Your right you are going to go pack your things but you are not going to be coming back with us instead you will be moving into your new place that is pay for as long as your grades are good and you do well in basketball

Korren: Umm sir, are you serious

Tonraq: When have I never been serious with you

Korren: You are right, Umm I going to go pack, but may I ask about my bike

Tonraq: How about you go pack and you will see

Korren: Yes sir

Korren and Tonraq walk in the house but instead of joining everyone else Korren go straight to pack his things while Tonraq go to the living room. After 30 minutes Korren had everything pack and starting to bring everything into the living room, Naoki and San both jump up and was surprise. They did not think what Korren did yesterday was that bad he had to pack and leave.

San: Now Tonraq he does not have to leave

Naoki: I agree, you know we love him like he is one of ours and would keep him here

Senna: Come down you two, Korren is not going with us but to his apartment by campus, we got a call from his coach today, he has practice starting tomorrow

Naoki: Oh ok, but do you think he really need his own place he still just a baby

Korren: Really auntie

Naoki: Korren, sweetheart you, Mako, and Bolin will always be babies to me, I just not ready for you to grow up yet

Mako, Nolin, & Korren: "Really"

Senna: You boys will be ok

Tonraq: Ok well it's time to go, and Korren you will have a strict schedule plus I expect your aunt and uncle to do random check up on you to make sure your place and grade are up to standards.

Naoki: Oh you do not have to worry about that because I plan on doing that, I do not need any girls at my nephews' house when school is to important

Korren: You don't have to worry because Once I get into my studies and basketball, I tend to get real focus and that's kind of how I lose my last GF because she was not my focus

Naoki: That good to hear and that girl was stupid anyway lol

The Waters hug and kiss and left for Korren new place. Where his college life will begin.

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