Chapter 46: Its time to pop the question

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Korren POV

Well it today is the day I plan on popping the question to the love of my life. I just hop everything goes according to plan. I am so nerves but let recap on what been going the past month. The crew agree to do the small beach party, We been wrapping up the small things we had to do, spring break started officially five hours ago and I ask Asami to go on a date with me today. Lets see, I know I need to do another check on everything before we start, let see dinner reserves at Kwon's, check movie set up check outfit pick out check future Mrs. Waters not check, now where in the hell is that woman at, she said she was just going to run out really quick. You know what am just going to make a few phone calls and the first one will be Asami.

Asami: Hello

Korren: Hi bae where are you

Asami: remember I told you me and the girls was going to the spa today loser

Korren: Shit I totally forgot ok, due you know when you will be home

Asami: Yea maybe an hour or two why is everything ok

Korren: Just dont want you to forget our date tonight

Asami: oh bae you know I would not do that to you

Korren: Ok well I see you later love you

Asami: Love you to

Ok that take care of Asami now to call my mother

Senna: Yes dear

Korren: Do you have the necklace clean and ready mother

Senna: Yes I do Korren what is the matter

Korren: Just a bit nerve, what if she say no

Senna: Really out of all people you think she will say no

Korren: no not really

Senna: ok so stop worrying and go finish getting ready

Korren: Yes mother I love you

Senna: love you to

Ok now I finish talking to mother there is one more phone call and then I will be ok

Hiroshi: Hello Korren

Korren: Hello sir or should I start calling you dad

Hiroshi: Lol whatever one is fine what can I do for you

Korren: Just calling to make sure that everything is still a go

Hiroshi: Of course everything is still a go, we are putting the final touch on the movie and about to do a test run, just remember when it get to the four of us you need to be ready to pop the question

Korren: Ok and thank you so much for everything I could not put this together with out your help

Hiroshi: its no problem Korren now getting going

Korren: yes sir bye

Hiroshi: Bye

Ok so now that is taking care time for me to get myself together and get the house set up, beside who knew how this first part will play out

***Asami POV***

I am currently relaxing at the spa with the girls. So reason Korren have been acting strange but not in a bad way. So just to get my mind of things and to get our spring break kick off right the girls decide to have a spa date today, and oh boy do I need this. I was in the middle of my message when my name was called

Opal: Asami

Asami: yes Opal

Opal: So why have you been so stress lately

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