Chapter 49: 3 years later

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AN: This will be a short chapter and its the last chapter. Thank you to everyone for reading and know that it is due to everyone who have read this story is why it was this long. This was my first story I every wrote and can not believe it turn out like this, again thank you all.


Korren POV

Its been three since I got marry to my beautiful wife Asami. We are the happies that we can be. But before I tell you why let me fill you in on the last three years.

Mako and Azula are now marry with a son, Bolin and Opal are engage and planning their wedding, Kuvira and Bj are marry and just find out that Vira is pregnant not sure what they are having yet. As far as our parents go Tonraq, Hiroshi, and San went into business dealing with fix up old cars and reselling they ones they do not want to keep. Senna, Yasuko, and Naoki are just baby crazy and have started a what they call book club up but mostly its to gasper about things lol.

As far as me and Asami well we are partners at Future industry and business have been good. But the best news is that Asami is about to gave birth to our first child.

Asami: Korren get in here now, you did this to me and you going to deal with my mood swings

Well I guess we going in the delivery room

Korren: I'm here bae I just get your ice cubes

Asami: Do not get smart with me right now

Korren: I am not getting smart love

Asami: Ugh get this kid out of me now if she kick me one more time I am going to scream (right on cue baby kick) KKKKOOOOORRRRRREEEEENNNNN

Korren: I going to get the doctor

Asami: don't you dare leave me mister

Korren: I was not leaving Amour (love)

Asami: don't amour me

Doctor: well I see it time to see if you are ready to push

Korren: please due I think my little girl is ready to come out

****No POV***

Its been 3 hours and Asami was final ready to push after about 12 hours of labor. With in minutes you hear a new born crying and could see an exhaust Asami smiling. Korren was smile from ear to ear and just lend down to kiss Asami on the forehead.

Korren: I love you so much bae

Asami: I love you to

Korren: what are we going to name her

Asami: I been thinking in honor of your past Katara

Korren: Are you sure

Asami: yes now come up with a middle name

Korren: mmm Katara Sky Waters

Asami: I love it, now go let everyone else no, I think I am going to rest for a little

Korren: You deserve it after push her out, I love my queen and thank you for my little princess and may later we can talk about adding a little prince

Asami: Boy get out and take our daughter to go meet her family (lend up for a kiss)

Korren kiss Asami and then took the baby to go meet everyone. As Korren walk out with the little buddle of joy in his arms, he just stare at his daughter. I love you Katara Sky and promise to protect you like I do your mommy, Korren told his daughter before he walk out.

Korren: Hi everyone I like you to meet Katara Sky Waters

Senna: Aww look at my grandbaby she is so beautiful

Yasuko: And have the bluest eyes

Tonraq: you know she will spoil riot right

Hiroshi: Yes. and I think you may have lose your baby to those two

Korren: I do not think so, she have to go back in a few to eat when Asami wake up and then yal can go see the both of them

****6 months later***

Korren: Bae where is Tara bottle, I don't even know why you stop breast feeding

Asami: did you look in the bottle warmer and two because when she start teething I am not get bite, I got enough of that from you making her

Korren: Hi we can start on Korren Jr if you want lol

Asami: how about a no right now and hurry up so we can drop her off we both have a business meeting today

Korren: I don't want to drop her off, I want to take my baby girl everywhere with me

Asami: Korren we are not doing this again we both agree on this please love lets go

Korren: Fine

With that being said they got the baby ready to be drop of at their parents so they could go to work.

At the end Asami and Korren plus the group leave happy ever after and the families keep grown bigger. Korren had start out with a hard ship but at the end love help him find his way back. Asami learn that it is ok to put your heart out when it comes to true love. At the end they both realize that each other had the others heart from a young age and now they are marry with a baby girl and no one can tell them what the future holds but they will do it together.


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