Chapter 30: A month later & a ring

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Korren was in the gym practicing with his team while his friends was sitting in the benches talking.

"Alright team next basket win" said the coach.

"This will be easy" Korren stated next to one of the guy's name Jake on his team.

They look at each other and nodded before passing the ball moving down the court.

The two know from practicing from the last month how to through the other team off, by doing a special trick. Jake dribbled the ball and fake like he was going to shot, then the other jump he pass the ball through his leg to Korren who turn around and shot the ball, making it and winning the game.

The coach blew the whistle "Alright game over, the new game begin with the second group lets go."

The first came off the court and high five each other for a good game and split to go get water or to go chill in the benches until the end of this game.

Korren head to his friends where he knew Asami had his water. Once close enough, Asami lend in for a kiss and then hand him his drink. Korren drunk at least half the bottle until he sat down beside Asami.

He listen to his friend finish their convention before Asami spoke up.

Asami: Hi Bae, when is the first game

Opal: Yea, Mr. Smelly

Korren: It's in a week against a team up north

Kuvira: Nice I worry if it that team that won regions last year

BJ: Kuv, I don't think they would be playing them as the first match

Azual: Who knows to be honest Mr. Hot shot over here make help over team this year

Mako: Yea bro you was great out there

Bolin: Yea you have to show us how you do half those moves

Korren: It nothing really, the only problem is, I know it takes from bae because I have been putting in more time practice then begin with her

Asami: "hit Korren upside the head" Dummy I told you before you just have to make it up to me, and I know you had a game coming up

Korren: Sorry love, "lending over to kiss her" How about a date this weekend

Asami just smile and kiss him back before they could keep talk the whisper was heard and all the players had to return to the court. Korren stole a kiss and headed down to the court.

Azual: So Asami how things been living with Korren

Opal: Yea, you been pretty happy lately

Asami: Everything is great what are you guys getting at

Kuvira: Oh nothing just that you been missing girls day lately

Mako: Yea, Korren don't really go out like he use to

Asami: ok one I been in my study and working hard to help with my father his summer and two I cannot speak for Korren beside its school and basketball, that boy breath nothing else besides that, we do not really have time for each other beside at night

BJ: MMM sound like the marry life already if you ask me

Bolin: I would have to agree, and yal only been living together for what a month

Asami: Your point is what because I do not see anything wrong with that

Opal: There nothing wrong with it we just asking in general how do you like the "marry life" lol

Asami just blush and shook heard before telling them everything was great and they should try it lol.

Meanwhile on the court the coach was going over the final layout for practice. The guys was not happy at all. They had to do 10 suicide, 50 sit-ups, 25 push up, 10 free throw, and 5 benches.

At the end Korren was not going to make to the car, his legs was die. The whole team just lay on the court to catch their breath when they finish while the coach go on about how practice was great and there was a few spots where they could improve but that was for another practice.

The basketball team was allow to go, but there was a few that stay laying on the floor until they could feel their legs, lucky for Korren he had his friends there to help him up. The group walk up to Korren and look at him while he was laying on the ground.

Asami: Bae are you going to get up so we can go

Korren: Woman, I just killed my legs

Asami: Do not talk that tone with me mister or you be on the sofa

Korren: "rolling his eye" While help me up

Bolin: I got you bro

Korren: thanks

Once Korren was up they walk out of the gym and head to their cars. Asami look over at Korren as he lend up against the car door.

Asami: Bae

Korren: mmm

Asami: Where do you see us in the future?

Korren: marry with kids why

Asami: nothing just when you wanted back to the court, the gang was joking around asking me how I like the marry life

Korren: but we not marry so how does that work

Asami: I don't know but come on get out the car so you can shower while I fix dinner.

That night the couple took turn showering and then ate dinner after they did homework and cuddle in bed. Right before going to sleep Korren was curious to what Asami had plan for the future.

Korren: Princess

Asami: Yes love "cuddling up in his arms"

Korren: where do you see us in the future?

Asami: while to be honest I have been thinking the same thing, I love you so much and I do want to get marry and have kids but are you sure when the time the time come it's me you want to marry

Korren sat up and look Asami in the eye. He pulled her into a heated kiss before answering her question.

Korren: Baby you are the one who have my heart and to be honest you was that had my heart from the start. Since we were kids, it was you and I can honestly say if I did not lose my member back then than I would have fault tooth and nail just to stay with you. Asami look at me when I say this, I love you and to prove it to you I have something for you that I was going to wait unless until after my first game so we have two reason to celebrate.

Asami: what do you mean?

Korren: Well one us beating the other team and two "getting up to pull a box out of the drawer" this

Asami: Korren what is that, promise do not say its

Korren: Slow down and breath it's not an engagement ring but it is a promise ring, where I promise to love and cherish you. To be there for you and never to let you go. Asami Marie Sato I know you already agree to date me but my princess will you take this ring and be my forever girl?

Asami could not do anything but cry and nodded her head. She was so speechless that once Korren slide the ring on her finger he pulled her into his lap and hug and kiss her head. Once Asami pull herself together so turn to Korren and kiss him with every ounce of love she had. Due to air was needed they separated with their forehead touching and looking at each other. 

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