Chapter 20: Finding Korren

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Korren and his basketball team head just left the tattoo parlor and heading to the beach. Korren was feeling good, he had nothing to stress him and was chilling with his new friends. Once they got to the beach, Korren showed them to the place where Asami had agree to be his gf so they could drink and not get caught. All the guys had strap down to shorts and along the way invited some girls to come join them. The guys agree not to get to wasted because they had practice tomorrow and still needed to drive home.

*****Asami Parking at the beach*****

Asami spotted Korren bike and shoot a text to the group and said she find him at the beach, and she would wait for them. Not 15 minutes later, everyone had arrived.

Kuvira: Dude, this beach is huge how we going to find him

Asami: I have a feeling I know where he is

Opal: How would you know

Asami: Because this is the same beach we came and there is a spot where he asked me to be his gf

Mako: well let's go because I am not getting in trouble for him

Everyone followed Asami to the spot and as the got closer they heard music playing and laughing. The group finally was close enough that they spotted Korren sitting with a group of guys and girls drinking and having a good time. Just as one of the girls was going to about to lend in to Korren and whisper something in his ear, he spotted them and smile at the girl and whisper in her ear he would be back. Korren got up and walk over to the group, the smile he had on his face was completed replace with angry. The basketball team notice and was about to join when Korren shock his head. As Korren reach the group they first thing that came out his mouth was what are you doing here

Bolin: Bro we came to get you

Korren: Now why in the hell would I come with you

Mako: Korren come on now this is not like you

Korren: How would you know what I am like

Mako: Dude either you stop acting like this and come with us or I'll make you

Korren: "laugh" you make me, now that is funny because if I recall they last time you try to make me I put you and Bolin on your ass

Bolin: Not cool bro, you know we care about you and your mother and our mother are worry about you

Korren: Eh bien, dites-leur de ne pas (well tell them not to)

Mako: what in the hell did you just say

Asami: He say tell them not to

Everyone just looked at Asami and waited for her to explain.

Asami: I have been studying French to talk to you before I call us off especially when your mother told us she taught you, I wanted to be close to you

Korren: Drôle, votre version de rupture moyenne signifie (funny, your version of close mean breakup)

Asami: Ecoute, je suis désolé, tu es blessé mais vraiment, ces (Look I am sorry, you are hurt but really these) "pointing behind him

Korren: N'agis pas comme si tu me connaissais, je promets de ne jamais te faire de mal mais j'aurais dû savoir que tu me ferais du mal et ce que je ressentais pour toi, l'amour que je ressentais pour toi, toi tu ne me rend jamais mes sentiments juste nous quittons Asami (Do not act like you know me, I promise to never hurt you but I should have known you would hurt me and what I felt for you, the love I felt for you, you never return my feeling just so leave Asami)

Asami: Please Korren do not do this

Korren: Do what Miss Sato, have funny with my friends that actually care

Asami: We do care Korren about you

Korren: Ha-ha yal have a funny way of shown it but if you excuse me, I have a party to get back to

Asami: Korren, wait

Korren: WHAT!!!!!

Now everyone has stop and was now looking at Korren and Asami. Just waiting to see what happen

Asami: Je t'aime et je suis désolé s'il te plaît donne-moi une chance d'expliquer (I love you and I am sorry please give me a chance to explain)

Korren: Très bien, demain, je vous enverrai mon adresse et un temps, mais pour l'instant (Fine, tomorrow I will text you my address and a time but for now leave)

Asami just look at him but turn to the group and told them it was time to leave. Mako was about to walk up to Korren but Asami stop him and told him to let it go. Everyone just looked at her and agree to leave. Not long after the basketball team wrap up and decide it was time to call it a night. Korren drove home and was about to go to bed when he gets a call from his mother. Not in the mood to deal with her, he starts to decline the call but remember what happen last time, so he answers the phone.

Korren: Hello mother

Senna: Korren

Korren: Yes ma'am

Senna: Look I know you are in a bad place but please do not do anything reckless

Korren: Reckless, mother really now, why would I do that

Senna: Idk maybe because Naoki called me and told me what Mako and Bolin just told her

Korren: "I'm going to kill them" and I'm sure they did tell you everything

Senna: Korren James Water do not make me come down there and drag you back here

Korren: Ugh fine mother, I wanted but can I go to bed now I do have practice tomorrow

Senna: Yes dear, just know I love you and I am here for you

Korren: Love you to mother and I know

Once they hung up Korren jump in the shower really quick and head to bed. Just as he was about to close his eyes, his phone goes off.

****Text for Asami***

Asami: Korren please make it home ok

Korren: I am home now can I go to bed

Asami: Oh of course, sorry for bothering you

Korren: Sure you are

Asami: Night Korren

Korren turn over and fall asleep, still piss off but call it a night.

*****At Asami Place*****

While girls it seems like he made it home but still piss off.

Azula: Well I can not say I blame him, he did stop his fun

Kuvira: Really Azula

Azula: What

Asami: Guys stop

Opal: That beside the point Asami can you tell us what happen at the beach

Asami: What do you mean yal was there

Opal: No we were there for the English part not the French part

Asami: oh that

Kuvira: Yes that

Asami: Short version, I told him I was sorry, and I still love him

Opal: Oh Asami

Asami: Its fine let's get some sleep

Asami and the girls got ready for bed and turn in because for one Asami did not know what was going to happen tomorrow when she face Korren but she had to tell Korren the truth and let him know she still love him for she realize he was the one whole had her heart. That night Asami fall asleep with a tear running down her face.

What will happen tomorrow? Will Asami tell Korren everything or will Korren just turn his back? Will they find a way to make this happen or no? Why does Korren act reckless when he is hurt? So many questions, yet so much to fill in. 

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