Chapter 45: 3 Years Later

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Korren POV

Its finally senior year of college and so far everything have been running smooth. I was sitting at avatar cliff just think about everything that have happen over the past 4 year. Let see Asami and I are still together and I plan on asking her to marry me soon, first I have to plan everything out though. Let see my basketball team still remain number one after all this time. BJ ask Kuvira to marry him and of course she said yes. Mako decide to move out of his parents house and got an apartment for him and Azula. Bolin and Opal are still taking things slow about they also are looking for a place to live. Mya and Iroh are still together believe it or not and they are expecting their first child after graduation.

A lot have happen since freshman year in college. I just can't believe it almost over and I have to choose between going pro with basketball or stay here with my love and help run her family company. I know Asami she not going want me to gave up on my dreams just to stay with her but she do not realize she is my life and I would do anything for her. Well I guess I better get a move on it we are having family dinner at her parent place, well should I said our parents place my father finally retire and bought the house right next to the Satos. so they basically say at each other place all the time. My mother and Asami mother pick back up like old times, if you ask me they had a thing for each other lol but that just a though. Any way lets get this show on the road for this family dinner.

Asami POV

I was leave the house to head over to my parents house when I get a phone call from my mother

Yasuko: Hello my little flower

Asami: Hello mother what can I do for you

Yasuko: well you and the handsome young man of your can make sure to be here for dinner

Asami: I was just on my way now and as far as my handsome man I have no idea where he is

Yasuko: oh well hopefully you can find him, your father would like to talk with him before dinner

Asami: of course mother and are the waters coming to

Yasuko: of course your father and Tonraq are out back doing something and Senna just left to get us more tea

Asami: Yal really are always together

Yasuko: You would be to if you just got your best friend back

Asami: Yes mother but I am dating my best friend (laughing)

Yasuko: (laughing) this is true

Asami: Well I will see you in a little bit, love you

Yasuko: love you to

Once I hang up with my mother I receive a text saying I bet you Ill bet you to our parents. I just knew it was Korren, I had a feeling I knew where he was. That when I decide to call him

Asami: Hi bae

Korren: Yes love

Asami: I though we was going to ride together over there

Korren: We could do that but then I would have to carry you all the way in the house

Asami: and why is that

Korren: because you are spoil and I like having you in my arms

Asami: so I take it you not coming back home then

Korren: Nope I have to talk to your father

Asami: Funny he wants to talk to you to

Korren: Well I guess I see you there huh

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