Chapter 17: Moving in/Ending Relationship

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Author Note: Short chapter, sorry about that

They arrive at Korren new place, it was a little townhouse with enough room for him. They begin to set his place up. Once everything, Tonraq and Korren went to the small garage that was attach to the townhouse. Inside was Korren Baby blue and white Yoshimura Suzuki GSX250. It was polish and ready to ride.

Tonraq: While your mother out doing your food shopping, how about we pull this out

Korren: Yes sir, I been waiting to ride this baby

Tonraq: Just be careful and try to get back before your mother do

Korren: Yes sir

Korren hops on his bike and takes off down the road towards the sung to say hi really quick and then shot to Asami if she allows to him. After everything she have not heard from her and he was worry. Arriving at the sung house to let them know where he lives and that everything Before he left, he calls Asami really quick

Asami: Hello

Korren: Hi Princess

Asami: Oh hi, what's up

Korren: Is everything ok

Asami: Oh yea, why

Korren: Well I have not heard from you, and just wanted to check in

Asami: Oh Yea but listen I have to go see you

Before Korren could say again Asami hung up, he was not sure what happen. Just before he put his phone away, he got a text from Asami "hey look, I want to say sorry but we cannot be together anymore, but I will always love you and again I am sorry. This took Korren by surprise and he did not know how to handle it, so all he could do is jump on his bike and ride home at high speed. When he got home, he went straight to change in to work out clothes and then straight to his father and ask if he could come up with a workout for him, he need to get ready for tomorrow. Tonraq did not believe him but just gave him a workout anyway. Right as he finishes his workout, his mother showed up and told him to go shower and she will fix him dinner before they left. He nodded and did what he was told. Once Korren was clean join his parents in the kitchen. Of course his mother could tell the different and ask Korren what was wrong.

Korren: Nothing

Senna: Little wave what is it

Korren: Elle m'a quitté (She left me)

Senna: What do you mean

Korren: Asami me jette, c'est fini (Asami dump me, it's over)

Senna: Oh little wave, I am sorry

Korren: Its whatever, I have basketball and school to focus on like father wanted

Tonraq: Son, wait a minute I know what I say about I also want you to be happy

Korren: That understandable Sir, but it's ok I promise, head look at the time I have to get ready for bed

Bothparents just nodded and left so Korren can get sleep. They say goodnight andleft for the Sato house. Korren goes to bed and decide from that day he wouldnot love another and focus on nothing but school and Basketball. 

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