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Something so heavy that one suffers so much by carrying it.

It hurts so much to carry one and be a burden. You might ask, "Why would it hurt to be a burden when you're the one being carried?"

I'll tell you why. It hurts because you became too heavy to drag yourself that you needed others to carry you.

If you were thinking that it's the burden's fault then you're wrong. Yes, it's their fault but they're not the only ones to blame. The ones who carry them also share the blame not because the burdens are their responsibilities rather it is because they led them to be that way.

They become heavier on your back cause they know, how heavy they are and how much it hurts you. They shame and blame themselves every time you smile at them and pretend you're fine even though you're bleeding so much blood.

Eventually that heavy burden you carry will overweight you and crush you. As you fall along your burden, another person will see and pick you up along with that burden as it slowly increases it only becomes worse.

Its not about your strength or ability to carry it. Its about letting go and letting yourself free. It's about standing up and trying one more time.

For the burdens, think about what made you so heavy in the first place and get rid of it. Is it hesitation, doubt, or cowardice?

Lose that extra weight. Keep only what's important.

Never be afraid to take the risk because the longer you hesitate the heavier you'll be. If that happens, nothing will ever change. Just take that one step no matter how big or small.

It'll change everything you ever know. You might regret it but its better than doing nothing.

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