cuddly leo

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Ravi laid on the couch and started scrolling through Twitter, after a few minutes, he felt a small weight on him. He looked and saw Leo cuddling him.
Leo looks at Ravi, and smiles innocently.
"Hyung. Get off."
"Nuh uh."
Ravi sighs and goes back to his phone.
Ten minutes later, Leo falls asleep on Ravi.

Ken sees and gripes about them cuddling.
N reminds him that he doesn't like Ravi's cuddles.
"You do this everytime, but you get mad when Ravi wants to give you cuddles, and then you beech and complain about when Leo cuddles Ravi." N smiles.
Ken glares at N.
"You're enjoying this aren't you."
N continues smiling, nods, and leaves the room.
Ken glares at Leo and Ravi cuddling.
"That should be me, cuddling shikkie."

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