Vacation! pt. 3

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5VIXX sat down for breakfast while tiny space Leo was sitting on Ravi's lap, his tummy started grumbling.
5VIXX were enjoying their breakfast that Ken made when Leo started fussing.
"Maybe he needs to be changed?"
that question was followed by.
'Shut up Ravi.'
Ravi nods. "Mianhae..."
N just sighs.
"he's hungry."
Ravi gently tickles Leo's tummy.
"He's so soft.."
N neck chops Ravi.
"Stop. He'll throw up."
Ravi immediately stops but Leo throws up from the tickling.
N, full from breakfast, gets up and takes Leo the bathroom to give him a bath all the while Leo is fussing.
N bounces Leo on his hip while Leo makes cute baby noises.
N kisses Leo's cheek and waits for the tub to fill up. he feels Leo getting squirmy, he turns off the water, and sets Leo down, and leaves the bathroom. N closes the door and waits outside the door.
Leo uses the bathroom, flushes and washes his small hands in the sink with soap and water.
Leo pulls open the door and look up at N, who picks up Leo and continues running his bath.
He sets Leo in the bath and adds bubbles, N gives Leo a bath.
Leo plays with a rubber ducky while N washes him.
N hums and giggles at Leo being adorable, he washes Leo's face gently, he glances at the dirty shirt, he looks back at Leo, he picks him up and sets him on his feet, he dries him, and then Leo takes the towel and dries himself.
N looks away until Leo puts his clean boxers back on. 

Meanwhile, Ravi, Ken, Hongbin and Hyuk are packing their bags for the trip. "I think N hyung and Leo should share a bag. Leo's tiny, he's 5 foot 2! His clothes are tiny."
Ken, Hongbin and Hyuk start arguing, while Ravi folds the clothes he chose to bring.

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