tiny space binnie

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N comes back to the dorm late after curfew and he trips over Leo who is sound asleep on the floor.
he looks at Leo.
"Why is he on the floor?"
He picks up Leo and deposits him on the couch.
N stretches and heads upstairs to his room.
while Leo is alone in the living room.

The next morning Leo is in tiny space and rubs his eye gently.
"Hyungie?" He crawls off the couch and wanders around the dorm.
He gets picked up by Hyuk.
"Where's N hyung?"
Leo blinks.
Hyuk tries a different tactic.
"Where is Hyungie?"
Leo squirms around in Hyuk's arms.
Hyuk sets Leo down and he goes running into N's room.
he picks up a bottle.
"What dis?"
Hyuk takes it and takes Leo back downstairs.
Ravi Ken shake their head at N.
Hyuk sets Leo down to play with his blocks.
Leo spells out "moo" with his blocks.
Hyuk smiles at Leo playing.
Hongbin wanders over and sits, rubbing his eye.
"Awwww Leo you have a tiny space friend!"
Hongbin smiles.
"Yay binnie!" Leo gently pushes his blocks over to Hongbin.
Hongbin spells "hyukie"
Hyuk smiles and watches the littles play with blocks.
10 minutes later N goes to the kitchen, head throbbing.
he sits in a chair and puts his head down, groaning quietly.
Hyuk shakes his head at N.
Leo starts telling Hongbin about the bottle he found.
Hyuk immediately shuts down that conversation by putting on SpongeBob.
Leo and Hongbin start watching SpongeBob.
Hyuk sighs in relief as Ravi brings over sippy cups of apple juice to the littles and a cookie for them too.
Leo and Hongbin sip from their sippys and nom on their cookies.
Ravi smiles at the littles.

"Our little cuties"

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