spooky binnie

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Leo sat on the floor sipping his sippy cup. He looks up and sees Binnie looking scary, he scrambles to his feet and goes running.
N picks up a frightened tiny space Leo.
"Kitten, what's wrong?"
"Binnie scawy!"
N looks at Binnie. he taps his toes on the floor in annoyance.
Hongbin grins, "Halloween Party!"
N can tell Leo is getting fussy, carries him to the kitchen and smiles at Leo scratching his soft tummy.
"Cutie pie"
Hongbin pokes Leo.
"Binnie is wearing a costume"
Leo blinks.
"Ohhhhhhhh okie! Binnie not so scary no more.
N smiles at Leo and gives him a cheek kiss.
Hongbin heads off to the party.
N spends time with tiny space Leo, and gives him all the snuggles.

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