shopping with N

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N pushes the shopping cart as Leo walks beside him.
N puts some cereal in the cart.
Leo holding his plushie voodoo doll, tugs on N's sweatshirt sleeve.
"I'm hungwy..."
N sighs. "Didn't I specifically tell Ravi to give you breakfast?"
Leo nods. "He didn't.."
N picks up little space Leo and sets him in the cart.
"I'll get you some apple sauce."
Leo falls asleep in the cart, with his plushie on his lap.
N gets some apple sauce and puts the container in the cart.
He gets a few more groceries and then goes to the checkout.
the man smiles at Leo asleep.
"Ohhhh he's adorable, how old is he?"
N smiles nervously. "He's 19..."
The man giggles.
"I mean his mental age."
N internally facepalms.
"He's 3 in his little space. And he also has baby space."
N avoids the man's eyes in fear of being judged.
"I have a little at home."
N smiles softly no longer scared of feeling judged.
N pays for the groceries, puts them in the car and heads home with a sleeping Leo.

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