Hongbin saves the day!

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N looks down at Leo, "yeeesssssssssssssssss?"
Leo giggles and N sees Leo's shirtless.
"Why is my baby shirtless?"
Leo stares blankly.
N sighs and picks up baby space leo and takes him to get a shirt on.
Ravi is in the kitchen, carefully measures the food, as to not overfeed Leo.
N makes a baby bottle of milk for Leo and patiently waits for the microwave to heat it up. N gives gentle pats to Leo's tummy and hums quietly but stops when the microwave dings.
N takes out the heated milk, closes the microwave door and tests it on his wrist, he carries Leo to the living room and sits and rests Leo on his lap, Leo takes the bottle and drink slowly from it as N gives him tummy rubs.
"I need to find a shirt for you.."
As if on cue, Hongbin walks over with a warm and clean shirt for Leo.
Leo drinks from his baby bottle, while N praises Hongbin for saving the day.
Leo finishes his bottle of warm milk and whines to N.
N immediately rubs Leo's tummy again to stop him from whining.
Hongbin slips the shirt on Leo and sqwees at how cute Leo looks in the black skulled shirt.
Leo falls asleep against N's soft stomach and chest, he lets Leo sleep against him, he finger combs Leo's bubblegum pink fringe away from his eyes as he naps.
Hongbin quietly puts on a movie for him and N to watch, he puts on 'Nightmare Before Christmas.'
they watch the movie with the volume as low as possible but still loud enough for them to hear it without disturbing Leo's nap.

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