tiny Taekwoonie part 2

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"hyuuuuungie!" Taekwoon runs over and bumps into N, he shakes his head and blinks a few times. "Nae meori apeuda.." he looks up at N pouting.
N sighs and sits Taekwoon on the couch. "Stay." He walks back to the kitchen.
Hongbin pulls tiny Taekwoonie onto his lap. "Who's the cutest squishy?"
Taekwoon blushes and says "I am!"
Hongbin noses his cheek.
"Such a cutie."
Taekwoon giggles at the ticklish feeling.
N comes back with a sippy cup of water and hands him a tiny measuring cup of medicine, "Drink it slowly." He instructs Taekwoon.
Taekwoon takes it and drinks it slowly, as he receives gentle tummy rubs, he then sips at his sippy cup of water to wash the yucky medicine down.
"Good boy"
Hongbin smiles as Taekwoon settles down and naps on him.
N and Hongbin smile at Taekwoon.

"Our Adorable tiny Taekwoonie"

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