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Woonie sat in his little fairy house and started making a tea kettle out of an acorn. he carefully took the top off, his small hands working the top of it off, he started cleaning out the middle of it and used water to clean it out.
He opened his little window and looked outside for a few minutes.
"it's so warm out there.." he thought to himself.
A few minutes later Ravi appeared and started to bother tiny fairy woonie.
"Hey! you're still making a fairy kettle!? You've been working for hours! Actually do something productive!"
Nsalia stood up for woonie and shushed the situation.
"Will you shush! woonie is working hard because he's a tiny tinker fairy!"
Ravi just looks at woonie.
"okay. Whatever."
he goes back to his crooked, little tree home.
woonie sighs and puts his tiny hammer down and walks outside and flies to the fairy dust tree.
Ken was there waiting for woonie.
"Hey woonie! here for your daily fairy dust?"
woonie nods and looks at Ken.
"Still don't talk?"
woonie shakes his head 'no'
Ken sighs and pours fairy dust onto woonie.
"This should be the correct amount,
I measured it three times."
woonie quietly flies back home when he sees a visitor.
Ravi looks at woonie.
"You seriously don't talk?" Ravi asked slightly concerned.
woonie shakes his head.
"Why not?"
woonie stares in silence at Ravi.
teardrops in his eyes, he goes inside his home and goes to his room.
Ravi follows after woonie and goes inside the home as well, he flitted around until he finds a sad woonie staring out the window.
Ravi folds his black tinted wings and walks over to woonie.
"Y'know... You make a cute goth fairy.."
woonie looks at Ravi.
After many years of him not talking..
"I do?"
Ravi almost jumped in joy at woonie talking.
He quickly collected himself.
"Yes, you do."
woonie giggles and walks his tiny self to Ravi, to hug him.
Ravi rests his chin on the top of Woonie's shiny long black hair.
"your hair smells sweet, just like you..." Ravi blushes.
"you're getting close to a kiss."
Ravi blushes even darker.
woonie presses a kiss to Ravi's lips.
Ravi still trying to process this, kisses back.
woonie hides his chubby cheeks in Ravi's chest.
"Shy are we?"
woonie swats him.
"okay woonie"
woonie goes over to his fluffy bed and lays down, tired and sleepy.
Ravi lays with him and cuddles tiny fairy woonie.
woonie falls asleep in Ravi's arms, small chest rising and falling while he sleeps.
Ravi boops woonie's tiny button nose and falls asleep as well.
Nsalia walks in and sees them cuddling.
"Good night you two."
Nsalia quietly closes the black, blackberry painted door and lets Ravi and woonie sleep.
Nsalia waters the mini plants he has growing.
binnie and hyukkie help fix up homes that are leaking and decide to check woonie's house tomorrow.

please let me know if you have any requests :3

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