Vacation pt. 9

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Ravi picks up Leo, and Leo squeaks.
"that's not really fair N hyung... Leo deserves to see Japan too."
As Ravi drones on Leo pokes Ravi's cheek.
N sighs, "okay. Leo can walk with us, BUT one of you has to carry him if he gets tired. kapiche?"
Ravi nods at N.
"Good, we'll head out after Leo gets dressed."
Leo gets sat on the bed and looks at N.
N starts to get Leo dressed for the day.

N gets Leo dressed in his little jeans and a sweatshirt. He smiles at Leo and then turns to grab the 'Leo bag.'
After he picks it up and the other members are dressed, they head out to a Cafe to get a coffee and a muffin or something.
Leo walks along holding N's hand, he looks around and sees people everywhere, a lady compliments N on how well his son is behaving.
N blinks and glances at Leo who is holding his voodoo doll plushie, he looks back at the lady. "Thankyou ma'am"
She smiles and pats Leo on the head and then walks away.
Leo blinks and continues walking with  the other members.
Ravi takes over and holds Leo's small hand, while he hugs his Voodoo doll plushie.
N takes a picture of Leo holding Ravi's hand. He smiles and they walk into the café. Leo sees hot chocolate on the menu and points to it, Ravi looks where Leo's pointing and he orders a coffee and one hot chocolate for Leo.
the lady writes the name on the cup and sets it down to fill the other.
Leo looks at the cup. "hyungie..she spwelled my nawe wong.."
Ravi looks at the cup and sees 'Tukwon.' Leo looks up at Ravi. "Taekwoon.. my nawe is Taekwoon.."
Ravi sighs and picks up Leo and rests him on his hip.
The lady comes back and gives Ravi his coffee, she then goes and fills Leo's cup with hot chocolate.
Leo hides his face in Ravi's neck.
The lady hands Ravi, Leo's hot chocolate. Ravi thanks the lady and sits at the booth, not long after the other members have their coffee's and sit at the booth as well.
Leo quietly sips his hot chocolate and sits on Ravi's lap.

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