I'm not a baby.

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Leo woke up on the couch and was in a grumpy mood.
N brings over a spill proof sippy cup. "Leeooooo! Apple juice!"
Leo knocks the sippy cup away.
"I'm not a baby."
N looks at Leo shocked.
he composes himself, picks up the sippy and leaves the room.
Hongbin gets out Leo's voodoo doll plushie. "Heyyyy!"
Leo glares.
"I'm not a baby."
Hongbin scoffs and leaves the room.
Leo lays back on the couch, he scrolls through Twitter.
"I'm not a hamster..."
Ravi tries cuddling Leo,
Leo shoves him off the couch.
"I'm not a baby."
Ravi stares at Leo, gets up and storms out of the room.
Ken walks over with Leo's favorite cookie.
Leo sees it.
"I'm not a baby."
Ken sighs and leaves the room.
Hyuk brings Leo's tiny space blankie.
Leo looks up and sees it.
"I'm not a baby."
5VIXX leave the dorm leaving Leo alone.
Leo walks around the dorm.
"hyungies...?" He looks everywhere, he hears the distant rumble of thunder and screams when he hears the loud boom, Leo crawls under the table in the corner, hugging his knees and shaking.
"Hyungies.. weo scawed.."
5VIXX didn't answer.
N peeks under the table, and Leo clings to him like a baby koala.
"nuu weave weo..."
N sits on the floor and hugs Leo.
"We're here honey. your hyungies are here."
5VIXX sit and try to comfort Leo.

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