Little Leo pt. 5

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"Tomorrow you spend the day with me."

The next morning, N packs a little lunch, a sandwich, two cookies and a juice box for Leo for lunch time when he spends the day with Ravi.
N also makes a lunch for Ravi, he's interrupted when he feels someone tugging his shirt. He looks down and sees Leo with a baby bottle in his small hands.
"Good morning Leo"
Leo looks up at N blankly.
"Oh? oh! Oh! Leo's in baby space."
Ravi picks up Leo and rests him on his hip, Leo drools on Ravi, Ravi hands baby space Leo to Ken.
Ken gently cleans the drool off Leo's chin.
Leo starts to whine and gets squirmy.
"Wait. Do we have to change his..." Ken points to Leo's pants.
N blinks at Ken.
"Are you seriously going to make me say it?"
Leo squirms.
N puts Leo down and watches Leo toddle walk to the bathroom.
N smiles "I think Leo's got it."

10 minutes later,
Leo used the bathroom, flushes the toilet, and washes his hands thoroughly, he dries his small hands on the towel.
N helps Leo with the finicky door, Leo makes grabby hands at N.
N picks up Leo and kisses his forehead, "you are adorable!"
Leo's chubby cheeks and nose turn pink as he starts blushing.
Ravi gets his things around as N sets Leo on his feet by Ravi.
Ravi holds Leo's small hand as he heads to the studio.
Ravi does a mental checklist, lunch, check. Leo. Check. Happy Leo? He looks down at Leo. check.


Xydo, Cold Bay and Chillin Homie are working on raps when they hear Ravi talking 'baby talk'
This confuses Chillin Homie, Xydo on the other hand, peeks out the door and sees a tiny Leo holding Ravi's hand.
Xydo immediately runs over and smiles at the little.
Leo looks up at Xydo, "hewwo.."
Xydo picks up Leo,
"Aren't you just the cutest little!" Leo squirms.
Ravi sighs, "Xydo. Put him down."
Xydo pouts but puts Leo down back on his feet.
Ravi opens his studio room door for Leo, he uses his folder to give a small boop to Leo on the butt.
Leo goes inside and lays on the fluffy carpeted floor. He takes his nap.
Ravi shoos xydo back to the other studio room and Ravi heads inside after Leo.
Ravi starts working on raps as he sees tiny Leo asleep on the floor.

Maybe this won't be so bad...

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