Little Leo pt. 3

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N, Ravi, Hongbin Hyuk and Ken returned back home to their flat in Seoul, with tiny Leo who was just waking up from his nap.
They all head inside while N carries Leo inside, he gently sets Leo on the couch and takes off his shoes,
N smiles at how cute and tiny Leo is.
Leo looks around while sitting on the couch. he kicks his legs a little and looks at everyone. "I'm weo.."
The guys smile at Leo but then go confused when leo pouts in tiny font as his tummy grumbles.
N realising Leo's hungry, gently picks him up and takes him to the kitchen. "Age?"
Leo drools on N's neck.
N makes a bottle of warm milk for baby Leo, as he wipes the drool from his neck.
Leo squirms around not comfortable in his big boy clothes.
Hongbin notices.
"I'll change Leo into his onesie."
N nods and sets Leo on Hongbin's hip.
"I'll be right back."
Hongbin takes Leo to the living room and gets out his onesie.
He lays Leo on the floor and puts the onesie on him.
Hongbin smiles at how tiny Leo is.
"hey come back here sweetheart." Hongbin said as Leo started to crawl away. He picks him up and takes him back to the Kitchen where N is holding a baby bottle of warm milk.
"Did you test it?"
"Test what?" N asked confusion evident on his face.
"The bottle."
N shakes his head, "anniyoooo"
Hongbin rolls his eyes, snatches the bottle and tests it on N's wrist.
"It's warm." N smiles at Leo.
Hongbin gives Leo the baby bottle and Leo turns his head at it. "no"
Hongbin tries coaxing baby Leo to drink it.
Leo turns his head back and Hongbin tries feeding Leo again.
Leo drinks from it slowly.
Ravi just watches but then finally speaks. "How does warm milk not give him a tummy ache?"
Hongbin feels Leo's tummy against him. "Awwww his tummy is full."
Leo sleepily rubs his eye, nails a bit sharp.
Ravi puts socks on his hands.
"Good call Ravi." Hongbin smiles at Ravi's helpfulness.
Leo starts to feel uncomfortable and squirms around.
Hongbin burps Leo, a tiny burp escapes Leo as his tummy feel better.
Hongbin takes Leo to the living room and sets up a makeshift bed for him.
Matress, blankets and a pillow. He lays Leo on the mattress and covers him up with a blanket.
"Sweep wif weo.."
They all just look at Leo.
"No honey."
Leo pouts in tiny font.
N sighs, "you guys go to your rooms, I'll stay with Leo."
As the others went to their rooms.
N lays on the mattress, already not sure what to think about caring for a little. His thoughts are interrupted when he sees Leo poking his tummy full of warm milk. "round"
N pulls Leo's hands from his tummy.
"Go to sleep honey."
Leo falls asleep against N, tiny snores escape Leo.

"Good night sweetheart."

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