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Leo was practically hopping around with glee because today he would get to go to Ravi's meet and greet.
Ravi carries a squishy Leo to the table and sets him down. He gives Leo blocks to play with.
Leo starts playing with the blocks as
Starlights show up and take turns talking to Ravi and then cooing over Leo being tiny and cute.
Haters of course were there and made fun of Leo.
Leo hid under the table.
Ravi got really close to the haters faces and in a scary voice said,
"Get out of this meet and greet."
The haters went running.
Ravi pulls a squirmy Leo out from under the table and sits him on his lap and rests his chin on Leo's head.
He continues signing albums as he hears Leo getting sleepy.
Leo falls asleep laying against Ravi.
Starlights quietly coo and take pictures.
Ravi smiles and finishes up signing albums and talking with Starlights.

An hour or so later, Ravi is carrying Leo to his car, he gently sets Leo in the backseat and buckles him in.
Ravi gets into his car, starts the engine and begins driving home.
He safely drives and makes it back to the dorm, while Leo is asleep in the backseat.

Hyuk comes outside and carries Leo inside while Ravi parks his car and shuts off the engine. Leo unconsciously curls his fingers into little fists which in turn makes hyuk involuntarily coo at Leo being cute.
Ravi comes inside, and sees Leo fully sleeping and smiles at the sight.

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