Tiny Taekwoonie

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N wakes up to Leo crawling on him.
"Hyuuuuung... Hungwy..." Leo pouts cutely.
N sighs and scoots Leo off him.
Leo tumbles off N and starts giggling, after a few minutes, Ken walks in and sets Leo on his feet.
Leo then goes running to Ravi's room.
N smiles and follows after tiny Leo.
"what a cutie."
Leo climbs onto Ravi and sits on him. "Hyuuuung!"
N picks up Leo and sets him back on his feet.
Leo goes running to the living room and sits on the floor.
N, Ken and Ravi coo at Leo's cuteness.
Hongbin wakes up and shuffles to the kitchen.
Leo starts playing with blocks.
N sits with Leo and watches Leo play.
Ken and Ravi make breakfast for everyone and every once in awhile glance at squishy Leo.
laughter and squeaks come from Leo as N is tickling him.
N smiles and stops his tickle torture, and hugs Leo.

"Our tiny Taekwoonie."


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