Vacation! pt. 4

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Meanwhile, Ravi, Ken, Hongbin and Hyuk are packing their bags for the trip. "I think N hyung and Leo should share a bag. Leo's tiny, he's 5 foot 2! His clothes are tiny."
Ken, Hongbin and Hyuk start arguing, while Ravi folds the clothes he chose to bring.

Leo comes toddle running over and makes grabby hands at Ken. Ken smiles and picks up tiny Leo as he bites on his sweatshirt sleeve and looks at Ken.
"You're going to share a suitcase with N hyung, because you have tiny clothes." Leo stares at Ken not understanding a thing he's saying.
N comes back and takes Leo into his arms and noses his cheek.
Leo squeals at the ticklish feeling.
N smiles at Leo, "let's go pack your little clothes." He carries Leo on his hip to their shared room.
He plops Leo on the bed, Leo rolls around while N packs their clothes.
Leo rolls onto his tummy. "Budu.." N hands Leo his Voodoo doll.
Leo squeals and hugs it, cheek squished against the bed.
N folds everything, and puts it in the suitcase. He glances at Leo being a cutie pie and kisses his forehead, Leo rolls onto his back and bats his sweater paws like a kitty.
N smiles at Leo.
Leo's little tummy is visible, N knowing he shouldn't, gives Leo little tickles on his tummy. Leo covers his tummy with his sweater paws. "no.."
N nods and stops.
Ravi comes in and takes Leo to get food.
Leo's little tummy grumbles and Ravi sets him on a high chair.
Leo squeals when he sees his favorite food, Ravi feeds Leo his fluffy pancakes with syrup.
N brings the suitcase out and smiles at Ravi feeding Leo.
"Be careful not too much Wonshik-ah."
Ravi glances at N, "I know hyeong.
Not too much food for the baby."
N pats Ravi on the head. "Good boy."
Leo full from his favorite food, makes tiny grabby hands at N.
N gently picks up Leo and sets him on his feet, he watches Leo go and grab his plushie voodoo doll.
Hongbin, Hyuk, and Ken finish packing.
"Okay. Who's going to keep Leo entertained?"
Leo walks back holding his voodoo doll. he plops onto the suitcase.
Ravi sighs, "I guess I'll entertain Leo."
Leo squirms around on the suitcase.
5VIXX just look at Leo, unsure.
N realises and picks up Leo, and rushes him to the potty.
N stands outside the bathroom, while Leo is using the bathroom.
N hums softly as he waits, he glances at the closed door.
"Leo, Sweetie. Are you okay in there?"
Leo flushes the toilet, and washes his hands thoroughly. He opens the door and N picks him up and carries him back to the living room.
"Okay. Do we have everything packed?"


N nods, "okay, do we have our Leo?"

4VIXX start rushing around to find Leo.
N face palms and Leo mimics N.

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