Vacation! pt. 5

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"Okay. Do we have everything packed?"


N nods, "okay, do we have our Leo?"

4VIXX start rushing around to find Leo.
N face palms and Leo mimics N.

N sighs and checks his phone. "We have to be there before we miss our flight." Leo gets fussy and N sticks a cooling pacifier in his mouth, Leo looks around, his pretty pink fringe falls over his eyes.
N carries Leo to the car and gets him buckled up, he gives Leo his voodoo doll plushie, and Leo looks out the window while hugging his voodoo doll.
Ken and Ravi carry out the 5 suitcases and pack them in the trunk.
Hongbin Hyuk make sure everything is off in the dorm, they turn off the lights and lock the door. They walk to Ravi's van and get in and buckle up.
Leo kicks his legs cutely as Ravi asks if everyone's ready.
He hears multiple yesses and one babbling sound. He puts the car in reverse, safely pulls out of the parking lot, switches the car to drive and starts driving. He puts on lullaby music for Leo, Leo blinks sleepily, he falls asleep and Ravi quietly turns it off.
Everyone goes quiet as they hear Leo's soft breathing behind the pacifier.
"Are we going to be late?" Hyuk asked with a hint of worry, as Ravi sighs, "No we're not going to be late. We'll be two hours early."
Multiple groans can be heard until Ravi tells them to shush.
N looks over at the sleeping little and gently pulls Leo's shirt back down to cover his tummy. He gives gentle pats to Leo's tum and thinks about how they're going to entertain Leo when he goes into baby or tiny space. His thoughts are interrupted when Leo lets out a tiny squeak and N fanboys internally.

After awhile Ravi pulls into the parking lot and parks his car. He puts the car in park and grabs his suitcase from the back, "Now. No one is wearing chains correct?" He looks at the members, when he doesn't hear anyone say they are, he walks to the doors. N picks up squishy Leo and his Voodoo doll and grabs their shared suitcase.

After VIXX grabs their suitcases, they head inside. N sets Leo down because he has to be a big boy.
The security lady looks at Leo judgingly. She sees Leo put his voodoo doll in the box along with his small boots and mini backpack.
She looks at the items and sees nothing wrong. She picks up the doll. "Care to explain?" She looks at N with an unamused look on her face.
N opens and closes his mouth fishing for an answer.
"are y'all into black magic?" Leo makes grabby hands at his plushie, his emotional support plushie.
She rolls her eyes but doesn't give him the plushie. Instead she puts it in a confiscated box, Leo knowing what the means starts to cry.
N picks up Leo and gently bounces him. "Give my baby his plushie back now." The lady rolls her eyes and gives Leo his doll. "Here, you baby."
N glares daggers at the lady, she immediately gulps and lets them through.
She breathes a sigh of relief until she hears her boss calling for her over the intercom. "SARAH! MY OFFICE! NOW!"

"VIXX are on their way to Japan!"

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