Leo honey...

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"I RUINED MY HAIR!" Leo screams and starts crying.
N runs into the room and looks at Leo's badly cut hair, he hugs Leo tightly "Shhh it's okay sweetie.."
"I wuined it.."
Leo hides his face in N's chest, wetting N's shirt with tears.
"I wuined it.. stupwid weo.."
N takes Leo to the living room.
"Leo honey.. you are not stupid, You just made a Oopsie, it's okay. It'll grow back."
Leo sighs. "Okay hyung.. I'm sorry for screaming.."
N smiles and cuddles Leo.
"Does a certain Leo want to be little?"
Leo squirms around not comfortable in his big boy clothes.
N gives Leo a bath to get the cut hair off his shoulders and neck.
"Weo sowwy..."
N dries tiny space leo and dresses him in his black kitty onesie. He smiles at a clean and squishy Leo.
"It's okay sweetie."
N empties the bathtub by pulling the plug. He carries Leo to the living room and sets him on a pillow.
Leo looks up at N as he watches him put in a movie.
N pulls Leo onto his lap to watch the movie.
Ravi brings a sippy cup of apple juice to tiny space Leo.
Leo holds the sippy cup and drinks from it as he receives tummy rubs from N.

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