Vacation! pt. 6

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She breathes a sigh of relief until she hears her boss calling for her over the intercom. "SARAH! MY OFFICE! NOW!"

"VIXX are on their way to Japan!"

A few hours later VIXX land in Japan and tiny Leo gets fussy, Ken picks him up and rests him on his lap. Leo rests against Ken's soft stomach and Ken softly smiles at Leo napping on him.
N goes looks at the hotel reservations on his phone, as tiny space Leo curls his small fingers into loose fists.
Ravi and Hongbin stretch from the long flight and look over at Ken and Leo.
After all the members are awake and ready to leave, they exit the plane and go get their luggage.
Leo wanders off and N has to put a little vest leash on Leo, for in case he tries to wander off.
Ken gets up and picks up Leo, "we don't walk away from hyungies, okay?" He gives gentle pats to Leo's soft tummy.
After VIXX grab their luggage and whatever they brought with them, they head to the hotel to get some rest.

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