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Leo was out playing in the mud at Hongbin's apartment, he opens the door and sees Leo standing on the porch all muddy.
Hongbin sighs and walks Leo to the bathroom.
He removes Leo's clothes and sets him in the bathtub.
"You're lucky I had this bath drawn for you."
Leo lightly splashes the water.
Hongbin adds bubbles and Leo giggles.
Hongbin pulls his sleeves back and gives tiny space Leo a bath.
he smiles at Leo's little feet peeking from the water. "Leo is so cute!"
"nuuuuu" Leo protested, and began playing with a rubber ducky.
"quack quack!"
Hongbin continues washing Leo to get the mud off him.
Hongbin smiles at Leo and washes off the soap and bubbles and sets him on the rug and dries him.
He turns around while Leo puts his boxers back on.
Hongbin empties the bathtub and
carries Leo to the living room and puts his sweatshirt on him.
Leo sits on his tush, all nice and clean from having fun outside.

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