Vacation pt. 8

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Meeeeeee!" Hongbin lays with Leo and Leo cuddles up against him.
N smiles and the rest of the members decide who sleeps where.
The next morning Hongbin woke up to  an empty bed, he starts to panic and begins looking everywhere.
Tiny space Leo is seated on N's lap, while he drinks his bottle of warm milk, that N heated up.
Hongbin flops back onto the bed and sighs.
Leo gets fussy but calms down when N  rubs his tummy in gentle circles, and Leo finishes his bottle of warm milk.
N smiles at Leo.
He sets Leo on his feet and gets out some blocks for Leo to play with.
Leo plops onto his tush and starts playing with the blocks.
"Later today, we are going to take Leo to a daycare! Because he's too tiny to walk around too much.."
Leo sneezes in the cutest way and looks up at N who coos at him.
Ravi picks up Leo, and Leo squeaks.
"that's not really fair N hyung... Leo deserves to see Japan too."
As Ravi drones on Leo pokes Ravi's cheek.
N sighs, "okay. Leo can walk with us, BUT one of you has to carry him if he gets tired. kapiche?"
Ravi nods at N.
"Good, we'll head out after Leo gets dressed."
Leo gets sat on the bed and looks at N.
N starts to get Leo dressed for the day.

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