???? part 2

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Ken put a little clip on crown in Leo's fluffy black hair and took a picture of Leo being adorable, unfortunately he won't look at the camera.
"Leooo leoooooo look over here!  Leoooo!"
Leo looks at Ken and squishes his cheekies.
"Awww a squishy prince!"
Leo kicks his legs a little and looks at Ken.
Ken tries to gently remove the clip on crown. he gently pulls on it. It won't move.
"Uh oh..."
Leo looks at Ken.
"Why uh oh.."
Ken laughs nervously.
"Leo.. you're going to laugh at this."
Leo stares at Ken in silence.
"The um.. clip.. is stuck.."
Leo stares.
"In your hair.."
Leo glares at Ken.
Ken gets up and runs for his life.
Leo chases after Ken.

Ravi watches with an amused look on his face from the couch
Ken practically begs Ravi.
"No way. You put that crown in his hair because YOU thought it would look cute. Therefore YOU will solve this YOURSELF."
Leo tackles Ken to the floor.
"get it out of my hair."
N walks over picks up a grumpy Leo, gently unclips the clip and sets Leo back down.
"I got it out Leo."
Leo makes tiny cheers.
"N hyung saved the day!"
N smiles at Leo and cuddles him on the couch.

Ken just stares at them.
"Note to self:
don't put any clips in Leo's hair."

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