don't overfeed the baby!

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"I'm in so much trouble.." Ravi whined.
He looks at a very full Leo.
"How did I feed him so much!?"
N walks in and sees Leo who obviously had way too much food.
N runs over and picks up Leo and worries about how much food is in his tummy.
Leo starts to cry from the pressure on his tummy.
Ravi freezes.
N glares harshly.
"Don't overfeed the baby."
N carries Leo to the kitchen and makes him a baby bottle of ginger ale soda.
N picks up Leo and takes him over to the couch. he gently lowers Leo's shorts waistband under his tummy. he gives gentle rubs and silently curses Ravi in his head.
Leo holds the baby bottle of ginger ale soda and drinks from it,
N kisses Leo's cheek then sends Ravi to his room.
Leo's little whines make N slow down on the tummy rubs,
Leo's tummy felt queasy and he threw up on himself and started crying.
Ken runs into the room and picks up a sticky and messy Leo.
"Aigoooo..." He gently carries Leo to the bathroom and gives him a bubble bath.
Leo feels less pressure in his tummy.
Ken sings softly
"🎶scrub scrub scrub scrub the Leo🎶"

N sighs and cleans up where Leo threw up.

Ken sees Leo's overly full tummy and silent curses Ravi.
"Why would Ravi overfeed a baby?"

Leo gives Ken a bubble beard which in turn yanks him from his thoughts.
"Bubbly beard!" Leo starts giggling and feels a little better.
Ken smiles and washes the bubble beard off. he gently uses the shower head to wash the bubbles off Leo.
Leo relaxes at the warm feeling,
Ken to himself: note to self: Swat Ravi for overfeeding Leo.

N sighs and makes a mental note:
Note to self: take Leo with me.
Ravi can't be trusted.

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