Little Leo pt. 2

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Double updaaate.

The next day,
N Ravi Hongbin Hyuk and Ken went to  Leo's apartment to be interviewed.
The look around Leo's apartment, and they see dishes aren't washed.
They hear a small noise and see a boy much shorter than them, looking like he hasn't been sleeping well.
N immediately gets worried, he introduces himself first.
"Hi Leo, I'm Hakyeon, aka N."
Leo nods.
Ravi Hongbin Hyuk and Ken introduce themselves.
Leo blinks sleepily and makes little coughs.
N once again feels worried about Leo's health.
"I've been sick..." Leo says in the softest voice.
Leo begins the interview.
"Cats or other pets?"
After many questions, Leo nods and
Agrees to be their little, Ravi picks up Leo and Leo gets squirmy.


Ravi immediately sets Leo down.
He looks at Leo, "you don't want to be carried?"
Leo goes over to N and makes small grabby hands. Ravi pouts at this, as
N picks up Leo who falls asleep on his hip.
Ravi Ken Hongbin Hyuk just stare.
N smiles and gently combs Leo's fringe from his eyes. "Such a small cutie pie."
little snores and coughs escape Leo as he sleeps resting on N's hip.
Ravi and Ken pack Leo's things as N hums softly to keep Leo asleep, so he gets rest.
N smiles at Leo.

"You're so cute, we hope we'll be good caretakers for you."

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